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侏儒窃笑。The dwarf sniggered.

侏儒骑上马。The dwarf rode the horse.

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它绕着一颗红矮星运行。It orbits a red dwarf star.

一个是巨人,而另一个却是矮子。One is a giant, the other a dwarf.

可怜的侏儒听到这里脸都红了。The poor dwarf blushed to hear that.

侏儒转身,在那里站着第三个石人。The dwarf turned, and there he stood.

他是秘银大厅的牧师。He is the dwarf cleric of Mithril Hall.

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侏儒晃回了营地的木凳上。The dwarf rocked back on the camp stool.

敢笑秦皇汉武非好汉。Which dare dwarf the Emperor Qin and Han!

小侏儒的骑术和尿艺比如何?Does your dwarf ride as well as he pisses?

“敬我的兄弟们,”矮人补充道。A toast to my brothers, " the dwarf added."

它环绕着一颗恒星的白矮星内核运动。It orbits the "white dwarf" core of a star.

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矮化是果树栽培发展的趋势。Dwarf culture is tendency for fruit growing.

矮人龙卫士祝您新年快乐!Dwarf Dragon Guard wish you a Happy New Year!

你装满桶就给我立刻回来,侏儒。You fill the pails and come right back dwarf.

侏儒不由自主想起了乔佛里。The dwarf could not help but think of Joffrey.

侏儒跳下马往盾的方向跑去。The dwarf jumped off and ran toward the shield.

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他四下看了看,认出了矮子加菲尔德。He looked around and spotted Garfield the Dwarf.

瓦兰提斯大街小巷到处都是白矮象。Volantis was overrun with white dwarf elephants.

送我老姐的礼物。他是另一个侏儒。A gift for my sweet sister. He was another dwarf.