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一旦他傻傻的踩上边线。As soon as he's silly and steps on aline.

从今天开始,我会一直陪著妳学习英语,每天通信吧。Let's study English together form today. Drop me aline everyday!

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在亚林湾的出口处,我们发现那儿停泊了一艘出海的大船。In the mouth of Loch Aline we found a great seagoing ship at anchor.

我们和让.克雷蒂安总理和他妻子艾琳相处了很长一段时间。We spent a lot of time with Prime Minister Jean Chrtien and his wife, Aline.

网排列将不保证企业成功并且也不它应该被期待。The Web aline will not guarantee a business success and nor should it be expected to.

导游正拿着电筒引导一队旅游者通过狭窄通道。The guide is leading aline of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his torch.

经分析研究,提出了一种简单易行的钢带对正定位装置。Through the analysis and research, It raises an easy operated equipment of strip steel aline location.

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太吉生性胆怯仁慈却很孝敬,却无法娶到一个恶妻阿林。Too auspicious natural disposition is timid kindness but very filial piety, but not marry to a bad wife aline.

反对党建议给过去执政党滥用权力划一条底线,以此换取过渡内阁的席位。The opposition offered to draw aline under the abuses of the past, in return for seats in the transitional cabinet.

阿林每天都怨叹太吉不会挣钱养家,也盼婆婆早日满60岁,家里就能够少一人吃饭。Aline everyday hatred sigh auspicious not to earn money, too early and wish her mother-in-law with 60, home to eat less alone.

巴西女足国家队长阿琳尼·佩里格里诺23日向外界确认,她因右膝受伤不能赴京参加奥运。The captain of the Brazil women's national soccer team, Aline Pellegrino, confirmed Monday she will be forced to sit out of the Beijing Olympics due to a knee injury.

在螺旋焊管生产过程中,钢带产生人为硬弯的主要原因是对头焊工序中钢带不能对齐所致。During the Spiral welded pipe production, the main reasons of manual bend caused in strip steel are unusual aline of strip steel in strip steel connection weld process.

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用于金刚石薄膜气相化学沉积,作为籽晶,可使薄膜沉积的速度加快,结晶的定向性强,生长的温度低等优点。As seed crystal in diamond film of vapor chemical deposit ion, the biger deposition rate of diamond film, the strong orient of cryst aline and the low growth temperature, etc.