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你好,胡安娜。生日快乐!Hello, Juana. Happy Birthday!

胡安娜急匆匆地在后面跟着。Juana followed, trotting after him.

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是胡安娜起身了,几乎没有声音。It was Juana arising, almost soundlessly.

琼娜于1648年出生在墨西哥。Juana Ramirez de Asbaje was born in Mexico in the year 1648.

琼娜和玛利亚年纪相仿,立即成为好友。Sor Juana and Maria became intimate friends, due to their closeness in age.

单身母亲胡安娜可以切片和切块以极快的速度和精度东西。Single mom Juana can slice and dice anything with great speed and precision.

2012年12月14日,胡安娜·马德里在厨房里等待驱逐令的时候哭泣着。Juana Madrid cries in the kitchen as she waits for her eviction in Madrid, Thursday, Dec. 14, 2012.

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建造者胡安娜·布里奥尼斯是一位颇有开拓性精神的女性,她当时既是大农场主,又是传统疗法医生和企业家。It was built by Juana Briones, a pioneering woman who was a rancher, traditional healer and entrepreneur.

在基诺和胡安娜看来,这是他们一生中最了不起的早晨,只有宝宝出生的那一天,才可以与之媲美。For Kino and Juana this was the morning of mornings of their lives, comparable only to the day when the baby had been born.

西班牙的叛逆贵族起草文书,腓力签字,正式对外宣称胡安娜精神分裂,无能力管国家。Traitorous political Spanish nobles had drawn up a document that Philip signed, resulting in Juana being proclaimed insane and incompetent to rule.

比起其它的雨林地带,这地区更适合吉他制作的气候要求。The climate around Juana Diaz, usually stable and with far less rainfall, would be more suitable to the requirements of a guitar maker than rain forest.

因腓力不住追求女色,胡安娜一天到晚只顾寻出谁是丈夫情人,把治理国家大事抛之脑后。Due to Philip's incessant philandering, Juana became fixated on ferreting out the identity of his lovers to the neglect of the governance of the kingdom.

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饭店经理裘安纳说,那样的计画,从1985年开始帮助当地居民,保存了他们的原住民文化和语言。Juana Chepe, the hotel manager, says that the project which has been running since 1985, helps local people preserve their indigenous culture and language.

因胡安娜的哥哥,姐姐及姐姐之子皆先于伊莎贝拉女王死掉,胡安娜便成为西班牙卡斯蒂利亚王国唯一之王位继承人。Antecedent to the queen's death, Juana's older brother, older sister, and older sister's son had all become deceased leaving Juana the heir to the throne of Castile.

由于村内男人不多,二十岁女郎胡安.加兰拿起大棒,就上街和法国骑兵肉搏。As there were insufficient men in the village, a 20-year-old girl, Juana Galan, took to the street to fight in hand-to-hand combat with the French cavalry, armed with a club.

在一个大多数女人只能当奴隶,而且没有任何发言权的社会里,她是一名女学究,对世界产生了深远影响。Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz is one of them. She made a deep impact in the world, by being a female intellectual in a world where most women led a life of servitude and silence.