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下个进来浣熊先生。Next to come in was Mister Coon.

反复干同样的事,我真干腻了。I am tired of hunting the same old coon.

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先前的纪录保持者是一只猫也缅因州。The previous record-holder was also a Maine Coon cat.

不过库恩说,抬起头来,这很重要。But, it's important to keep your head up, says Mr. Coon.

哈尼沙克尽情地烤着火,就像猎浣熊的猎犬看见浣熊一样。Miss Huneysuckel bellied up to that fire like a coon dog to a coon.

此外,任何工作成就都可以像在任何一份简历上那样写明。Coon. 'Any accomplishments can be stated as you would in any resume.

库恩说,广西柳工最初吸引他的主要是价格。The Chinese company's main initial attraction will be price, Mr. Coon says.

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其中最吸引我的是一种河浣熊留下的婴儿似的脚印。The ones that fascinated me the most were the baby-like tracks of a river coon.

另一个共同的特点是刑和民之间的区别。Another coon feature is the distinction made between criminal law and civil law.

一直静伏在之敏背包里的小浣熊露出了脑袋。Always quiet Fu's small coon in it quickly the shoulder bag the inside peeped out head.

听听汽车之家高尔夫论坛在这篇兴办流程文章中我将会向显现一个在游戏和工业中普遍运用的事业流程。In this msimilarg of I will show you one of coon workflow used in the game and movie industry.

得到库恩等美国经销商的支持对像广西柳工这样的公司来说将至关重要。Winning the support of U.S. dealers like Mr. Coon will be critical for companies like Liugong.

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四十年来,我一直在猎杀浣熊与判断浣熊的猎杀,但我从未看过有像这样的事。I've been hunting coons and judging coon hunts for forty years, but I've never seen anything like that.

广西柳工需要库恩这样的客户,这类客户希望将自己的产品系列扩展至建筑设备。Liugong needs customers like Mr. Coon who want to expand their product lines into construction equipment.

从某些程度上来说科恩也算,还有其他很多自然科学哲人的研究起点都源自于休谟的成果。uh, to some extent in Coon and many many other philosophers of science takes its start from Hume's result.

有的缅因猫会有先天性缺陷,往往脚趾头会多出一根或更多,商业培育者通常会排除掉这种特徵。While the Coon may be polydactyl, having one or more extra toes on their paws, this trait is generally bred out.

人们可以感觉到你的态度,而给你做求职面谈的人不会告诉你他们从你这里感受到的东西。People can sense 'attitude' and nobody who interviews you will tell you what they sense from you, ' says Mr. Coon.

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自从竞争对手有权在库恩负责区域销售卡特彼勒和其它大牌产品以来,库恩就将目光转向了中国。Since rivals had the rights to sell Caterpillar and other big-name brands in his region, Mr. Coon turned to China.

一天夜里,我躺在床上,正琢磨着怎么才能弄到狗的时候,屋外传来一只猎浣熊犬低沉的吠声。I was lying in bed one night trying to figure out a way I could get some dogs when I heard the deep baying of a coon hound.

不过任你怎么对抹布施魔法,从铜瓶里冒出一个黑巨人,折腾一夜也无法将我打动。But, say, you might wave enchanted dishrags and make copper bottles smoke up coon giants all night without ever touching me.