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铁杉是一种优良的软木材。Tsuga is a fine kind of softwood.

有些树的软木部分能用来造纸。The softwood of some trees can be made into paper.

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这是一种软质的照片,已被打碎用来化学。This is a photo of softwood that has been chemically pulped.

HWPW的面板可以是硬木或者是装饰软木材质的。The face veneer may be composed of a hardwood or decorative softwood species.

本文是关于针叶树木材弹性特性研究的理论分析。Theoretic analysis for elastic modulus of softwood was carried out in this paper.

漂白浆的强度达到了漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆的国家标准A等。Those of KP bleached pulp reached A grade national standard of bleached softwood KP pulp.

墙面用水基快干明漆打底,并用标准软木壁脚板把墙包起来。Walls are covered in quick-drying, water-based gloss and clad with standard softwood skirting.

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在凉爽气候里生长的、可持续开采人工林中的软木将是更好的选择。It would be better to use softwood , which grows in cooler climes in sustainably managed forests.

本论文研究了高碘酸钠与漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆纤维之间的选择性氧化反应。This paper studied the selective oxidation reaction between periodate and bleached kraft softwood pulp.

采穗母树的内源激素变化与插条的内源激素变化相反。The endogenous hormone changes of cutting woods trees and those of softwood cuttings were contrarieties.

他用一截软木树枝做了个与他自己等身大个的雕像,看起来非常象他。The teacher carved a statue from the softwood of a tree limb. He made it look exactly like himself, life-size.

作者采用绿枝扦插生根方法,在常规育苗条件下,获得了90%以上的生根率。A 90 percent of rooted cutting with softwood cutting propagation of blueberry has been gotten in general condition.

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研究了针叶木和阔叶木硫酸盐浆PFI打浆对各自纤维性质及浆张性能的影响。The influence of PFI beating on fibre and handsheet properties of hardwood and softwood kraft pulps was investigated.

从事全球范围内的进口和出口以及生产阔叶木和针叶木,原木/锯材/单板/木制品。Import and export, production of hardwood and softwood timber , logs lumber veneer, woodproducts, global trade contacts.

零距拉伸是评价微尺度木材纵向力学强度的有效手段之一。Zero-span tension technology is a novel and reliable method for assessing the axial tensile strength of softwood tracheids.

为探讨铁坚油杉无性系苗木快繁技术,采用嫩枝扦插繁殖法开展此项研究。In order to explore the rapid reproduction technology, the softwood cutting of Ketelleria davidiaca was conducted in this paper.

软本分布在寒冷的北方。连绵的软木林带横跨北美、斯堪的纳维亚和俄罗斯。Softwoods thrive in the cold, northern regions. Great belts of softwood forests lie across North America, Scandinavia, and Russia.

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结构软木装饰在聚乙烯隔汽层下面,深的I型梁、椽支撑着500mm厚的纤维板保温层。Structural softwood decking beneath a polyethylene vapour barrier and deep I-beam rafters supports 500 mm of cellulose fibre insulation.

在总木素含量相同的条件下,非木浆的表面木素覆盖率要高于针叶木浆。At the same bulk lignin content level, the surface lignin coverage was found to be higher in the non- wood pulp than in the softwood pulp.

在实验室条件下,以漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆与棉浆试制轻型装饰原纸。A type of light weight decorative base paper has been made from bleached sulfate softwood pulp and cotten pulp under laboratory conditions.