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他注意到她那不由自主的姿势,微微一笑。He noticed her involuntary gesture, and smiled.

发愣是完全出自无意识了。Absence of mind is altogether an involuntary thing.

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这周已开始将海地人强制遣送回国。Involuntary repatriation of Haitians began this week.

它又称为随意肌或骨骼肌。It also called involuntary muscle or skeletal muscle.

大便失禁是一种无意识的肠道控制缺失。Fecal incontinence is the involuntary loss of bowel control.

非故意非预谋杀人罪可基于过失犯罪而成立。Involuntary manslaughter can be based on criminal negligence.

皮温控制属非随意行为。Skin temperature regulation is a kind of involuntary behavior.

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在你清醒的时候,你的脚是否有些无意识的动作?Do you ever have involuntary leg movements while you are awake?

曲筱绡坐在车里看到这一幕,不自觉的笑出了声。QuXiao gauze in the car to see this scene, involuntary laughed.

就像他的名字所暗示的,周期性肢体运动障碍是一种无意识的运动失调。As suggested by its name, PLMD is an involuntary movement disorder.

下一步就是用药物来控制无意识的运动。The next step is to control the involuntary movements with medication.

脚踝突然又一阵疼痛,痛得我直打哆嗦。Another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder.

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扣掉我刚提到的为无关紧要的人和施善的花费?Minus all of the hangers-on and involuntary expenses that I just mentioned?

脸痉挛由于眼睑肌肉偶然挛缩而引起的痉挛性眨眼。Spasmodic winking caused by the involuntary contraction of an eyelid muscle.

他注视着我,也许是在怀疑着为什么我的唇瓣会弯起来,情不自禁地微笑着。He stared, maybe wondering why my lips were curving into an involuntary smile.

在这里,可以欣赏到各式各样的非遗产品。Here, can enjoy the sundry product that be not involuntary discharge of urine.

呃逆是一个简短的自愿吸气运动其次是声门关闭。Hiccup is a brief involuntary inspiratory movement followed by glottal closure.

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我们可以把笑声视为不由自主地发出的声音,然后笑声有感染性。Laughter could be viewed as a form of involuntary noisemaking and it's contagious.

随意肌发生不可控制的痉挛情形。Spasmodic involuntary twitching of muscles that are usually under voluntary control.

米高积逊的医生默里被控非自愿性误杀罪名成立。Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's doctor, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.