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哭能提升情绪。Crying can elevate mood.

好书可以提高思想修养。Good books may elevate the mind.

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然后垫高存放,以备冬春再用。Elevate and then stored for winter use.

这样,它们提高了卫生的地位。In so doing, they elevate the status of health.

而使血清中的抗毒素水平升高。But causes in blood serum's antitoxin level to elevate.

很快你就会被提升到他们的社会中较高的阶层。Soon they will elevate you to a high rank in their society.

美国宇航局正拿“道德事件”来提升士气。NASA management is holding "morale events" to elevate spirits.

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串联电阻法与双线圈换接法是两种提高直流电磁开关返回系数的常用方法。In this paper two methods to elevate the return factor of the D.

那时有一个派对在一个叫做“Elevate"的夜店,我们其中一个朋友,There was a party at a club called "Elevate" and one of our friends,

上升到了新的高度,加满速,再加速,我必要两个麦。Elevate to new height, step on the gas and accelerate, Imma need two mics.

这是一种可以把夫妇关系提升到艺术水平的体系。It is a system that can elevate a couple relationship to the level of art.

于睡前提升双脚约八寸高十至十五分钟。Elevate your foot eight inches for 10 to 15 minutes everyday before bedtime.

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例仁愫例仁悻我们盲目地提高生活水准,却降低生活质量。For example elevate the living standard blindly but lower the quality of life.

它不能使人活得更有尊严,不能提升人的精神生活。It does not dignify the human condition. It does not elevate the human spirit.

市面上销售的解充血产品能使血压升高,而且产生睡意。Over-the-counter decongestants can elevate blood pressure and cause drowsiness.

扶持祖马当上总统以后,他们原以为会有更多的说话权。After helping to elevate Mr Zuma to the presidency, they expected a greater say.

在这种情况下,我们打算举起RDT的概念性本质到经验主义的察视。In doing so, we aim to elevate the conceptual nature of RDT to empirical scrutiny.

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抬高受伤的部位--试着举着高过你的心脏,如果可以的话。Elevate the injured body part -- try to get it higher than your heart, if possible.

免疫组化法可提高淋巴结转移检出率。在3、1、4、7组淋巴结内检出微转移。IHC can elevate the positive rate, micrometasis appeared in No. 3,1,4,7 lymph node.

中国为提升在国际足坛的地位已经奋斗了很多年了。China has gone a long way to elevate its standing in the international soccer world.