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我们把教会当做“神的家”。You see the ecclesia is the "house of God".

而在基督的身体里,也就是教会,那也是这样。So it is also in the body of Christ, the ecclesia.

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贝尔法斯特教会给我留下了深刻的印象。And I was very impressed by the Belfast Ecclesia. If.

ecclesia“一词从何而来?还记得吗?Where did the term ecclesia come from? Do you remember?

这只是内格尔新教会的第三次聚会。This is only the third meeting of the new Negril ecclesia.

布劳顿是另外一家受到移民影响的教会。Broughton is another ecclesia that has been affected by emigration.

我们一定想象得出耶路撒冷教会的兴奋之情。We must try to imagine the excitement that was in the Jerusalem ecclesia.

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保罗提醒他们教会作为一个整体是基督的身体,而基督则是教会的头。Paul had to remind them that the ecclesia as a whole is the body of Christ.

在希腊语中,ecclesia原本指什么?,在古希腊语中?In Greek,what does the term ecclesia originally refer to in classical Greek?

我们都有责任建立精神上的神殿-教会。We all have a responsibility to build the spiritual temple of God—the ecclesia.

杰姆·赫加蒂弟兄回忆起许多帮助沃特福德教会运转的人。Bro Jim Hegarty recalls many who helped the Waterford ecclesia to get on its feet.

他宣布的信仰今天依然驻留在金斯敦教会人们的心里和思想上。And the faith he proclaimed lives on in the hearts and the minds of the Kingston ecclesia.

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这个家很快地变成耶稣的追随者的重要地方,换言之就是一个聚会处。That house became very soon "the house" of the followers of Jesus, i. e. a domus- ecclesia.

这可能使他们更多的人留下来,使这家年轻的教会继续成长。This might make it possible for more of them to stay, so that this fledgling ecclesia can continue to grow.

这很重要,早期基督教出于某个原因,选择ecclesia去描述家庭教会。It's important that early Christians,for some reason, chose this word ecclesia to describe their house churches.

主要城市贝尔法斯特的大多数基督弟兄教会都有新教徒背景。Most of the members of the Christadelphian ecclesia in the main city of Belfast came from a Protestant background.

事实上,伯多禄的家的再发现,是第一个有关基督徒世界中聚会所的例证。As a matter of fact, the rediscovered house of Peter is the first example of a domus- ecclesia in the Christian world.

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自由山的教会已有18年的历史,虽然这家教会的规模不大,却在岛屿的中北部信实地见证福音。The ecclesia at Free Hill is about 18 years old, and though small, bears faithful witness to the Gospel in the North Central part of the Island.

艾伦和玛丽·艾尔斯仍在自由山参加每周中期的圣经班,但已把家庭教会改在玛丽亚港,这只是一个开端。Alan and Mary Eyre still attend mid-week Bible class at Free Hill, but have changed their home ecclesia to Port Maria, which is just starting up.

基督弟兄朋友艾纳斯·坎贝尔邀请他参加阿盖尔山脉教会,利瓦伊开始聆听圣经中的解释,令他感到满意。Christadelphian friend Aenas Campbell invited him to attend at the Argyle Mountain Ecclesia and Levi began hearing Bible explanations that satisfied him.