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他们强制顺从。They enforce conformity.

服从对安全很重要。Conformity is important to safety.

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它已成为一种整合的象征。It has become a symbol of conformity.

人类的美德与上帝的意愿相符合。And human morality is conformity to his will.

从众本身无所谓是好是坏。Conformity is not in itself a good or a bad thing.

这是合乎发展规律的。This is in conformity with the laws of development.

在西美尔那里,上帝是社会整合的代名词。Simmel consider God as pronoun of social conformity.

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我们应该对一致性和失去独特性做些什麽?What shall we do about conformity and dehumanization?

符合性评估程序及消费者安全。Conformity assessment procedures and consumer's safety.

保证维修工作符合ESH政策的要求。Ensure ESH conformity in all the related work activities.

人们利用随大流来讨好其他人。People use conformity to ingratiate themselves with others.

样品分析结果与推荐值相符。Analyzing result of sample is in conformity with recommended value.

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也许Milgram的研究事实上证明了墨守陈规的力量。Perhaps Milgram's work really demonstrates the power of conformity.

分析认为,依法治教与高校体育改革相互依赖。Teaching in conformity with law and P. E. reform are inter-related.

我断然确认了理论与执行相符。I affirmatively confirmed the conformity ofthe theory with practice.

我断然确认了理论与实践相符。I affirmatively confirmed the conformity of the theory with practice.

我断然确认了理论与实践相符。它跳下桌案。I affirmatively confirmed the conformity of the theory with practice.

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红十字会的经费使用应当与其宗旨相一致。The Red Cross Society shall use its funds in conformity with its aims.

这篇道德经一般人称之谓大顺。This chapter of Tao Te Ching is usually being called Great Conformity.

一个人必须要想到,随众随俗无异于蒙住你的眼睛。A man must consider what a blind man's-buff is this game of conformity.