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在某种意义上,领导是事业的带头人。In a sense, the leadership is the pacesetter.

在某种意义上,率领应是事业的带头人。In a sense a leader is the pacesetter in doing things.

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在某种意义上,领导应是事业的带头人。In a sense a leader is the pacesetter in doing things.

那家公司在汽车设计上多年来一直领先。That firm was the pacesetter in car design for many years.

通过玩弄全球善良的公民,欧洲试图成为世界的标兵。By playing the good global citizen, Europe aims to become the world's pacesetter.

朱拉隆功大学在很多方面被视作泰国高等教育的先驱。Chulalongkorn may, in many ways, be seen as a pacesetter among Thailand higher educational institutions.

沈阳近海经济区是沈西工业走廊的龙头和出海口。Shenyang Approaching-port Economic Zone is the pacesetter and outfall of the West-Shenyang Industrial Corridor.

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尽管有不足,中国领导人开始重振自己伟大文明的地位,做文化和经济的先导者。China’s leaders, for all their flaws, are out to reclaim a great civilization’s place as a cultural and economic pacesetter.

量子阱奥古斯塔是一个标兵的凹印目录市场,生产的产品的一些北美最大的编目。QW Augusta is a pacesetter in the gravure catalog market, producing products for some of North America's largest catalogers.

公司发明了移动式港口起重机,因此而闻名天下。高华同时还是集装箱搬运自动化系统的先导。The company is acknowledged as being the inventor of the Mobile Harbour Crane and is also the pacesetter in the automation of container handling.

2000年,岗上镇连年被石家庄市爱国卫生运动委员会评为“石家庄市卫生乡镇标兵”。" 1999-2000, the town of Lian Nianpi Kong on Shijiazhuang City Patriotic Health Campaign Committee as a "pacesetter in Shijiazhuang, township health.

一些专家观察员赞扬香港此举是率先垂范,为南亚和其他地区设立了效仿的榜样。Some expert observers have hailed Hong Kong's move as a pacesetter which may help establish a benchmark for Southeast Asia and other regions to emulate.

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专家指出该体系将在全国形成标杆作用,并且说在生活品质方面,杭州绝对是典范。The experts noted that the system will play the role of a pacesetter nationwide , adding that hangzhou is definitely the model in terms of the quality of life.

公司被机械部授予机械工业企业“行业排头兵”光荣称号,是中国阀协副理事长单位。From the above, IMG has awarded the Ministry of Machinery Industry Enterprise as "Industry Pacesetter" honor and China Valve Association in vice president class.

中非合作论坛已经成为引领中非合作的一面旗帜,为南南合作树立了典范,成为带动国际社会加大对非洲关注和投入的先锋。FOCAC has become a pacesetter in China-Africa cooperation, an example in South-South cooperation, and a champion for greater international attention to and input in Africa.

成为湛江市经济发展的排头兵和广东西翼最具活力的新兴经济区。All these made Zhanjiang Development Zone an economic development pacesetter in Zhanjiang city and the most vigorous burgeoning economic zone in the west of Guangdong province.

如今荣超花园又正接受来自市“安全文明标兵小区”评选有关部门的现场考察,努力创建深圳市安全文明小区。Now Wing-Garden City are receiving from the "safe area pacesetter civilization" rated departments to inspect and make efforts to establish a safe and civilized district of Shenzhen.

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受伤的吴居平阿姨很伟大,所以网友们称赞她是最美丽的妈妈,和杭州政府授予她“三八红旗手”荣誉称号。The injured aunt Wu Juping is very great so netizens praise she is the most beautiful mother and the government of Hangzhou awarded her the" three eight red-banner pacesetter" title of honor.

山东贺友集团有限公司,是“中国制造业500强企业”、“中国纤维板行业百强企业”、“中国纤维板制造行业排头兵企业”。Group Co. , Ltd. Shandong, UST is the "top 500 Chinese manufacturing enterprises", "Chinese enterprises hundred fibreboard industry", "Chinese enterprises fibreboard manufacturing industry pacesetter.