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只要加强防守,AI和甜瓜就会去投不着边际的投篮的。Tighten up the D, AI and Melo will take ill-advised shots.

安吉勒斯·梅洛经营着一家餐馆,目标顾客是办公室工作人员。ngeles Melo manages a restaurant catering to office workers.

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如果甜瓜最终还是被交易了,那掘金将会扮演另一个微妙角色。If Melo is dealt, however, the Nuggets may be a factor another way.

对不同生长调节物质对河套蜜瓜器官培养的影响进行了研究。Effects of different growth regulator on organ culture of Cucumis melo var.

Mosser和丈夫在代理商处预订了到法国圣马洛的旅行。Mosser and her husband booked a trip to St. Melo in France with a travel agent.

安东尼说,“我四处外送托塔饼,但收入远远不足。”Melo said. “I delivered a torta here and there, but it doesn’t add up to an income.”

结果表明,该程序和体系能够较好的满足甜瓜基因组SRAP扩增的要求。The procedure and system could meet the demands for genome SRAP amplification in Cucumis melo L.

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费利佩。梅洛表示自己“无意离开尤文图斯”,尽管阿森纳对他很有兴趣。Felipe Melo has stated he has "no intention of leaving Juventus, " despite interest from Arsenal.

火焰纹路结构-美乐珠最具吸引力的特征是其热烈的火焰纹结构。Flame Structure – One of the most attractive features of melo pearls is their fiery flame structure.

Melo说卫生部告诉他,他需要向他所在的Pernambuco州索取样本。Melo says the Ministry of Health has told him that he needs to ask his Pernambuco state for samples.

甜瓜的尼克斯面对联盟前五的防守球队只拿下3胜5负的战绩,而绿衫军还占有球商上的巨大优势。The Melo Knicks are 3-5 against the league's top five defenses and the Celtics have the IQ advantage.

看到队友哭泣着回来,我真的太难受了”,梅洛走出更衣室后沮丧地说道。It was hard to see the players crying back there, ” Felipe Melo said after emerging from the locker room.

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这样比卢普斯和安东尼各自站一端,同时安东尼就会有很好的背身位置。Now you have Chauncey and Carmelo isolated on one side of the floor with Melo having great post position.

本文比较了普通甜瓜变种和越瓜变种果实发育过程中糖分转化与有关代谢酶活性变化。Sugar contents and its related metabolic enzyme activities were compared in developing fruits of C. melo.

本文报道日本网纹甜瓜在桂北地区引种结果。This paper reports the experimental results of the introduction of Japanese cucumis Melo in Nothern Guangxi.

费利佩·梅洛可以使我们的比赛更有质量,在另一方面,莫莫·西索科可以使我们充满力量。Felipe Melo can give us more quality to our play and, alongside Momo Sissoko, will give us a lot of strength.

老霍考虑把梅洛作为想走的后腰小马的直接替代者。Reds boss Roy Hodgson is considering Melo as a direct replacement for want-away defensive midfielder Javier Mascherano.

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赛后,费拉拉对梅洛进行了批评,但是这位26岁的球员正尽全力的想淡化这件事。Ferrara gave Melo the hairdryer treatment after the game, but the 26-year-old is doing his best to downplay the incident.

吉尔伯托·席尔瓦和菲利佩·梅洛个人并不出彩,但两人一起却能稳稳地掌控中场。Gilberto Silva and Felipe Melo aren't spectacular individuals, but together they expertly marshal the middle of the park.

体育经理马洛塔想签下他,就算有流言说一个可能的互换交易圣通-梅洛。The sport manager Marotta would like to sign him, even if there were rumors about a possible swap deal Santon-Felipe Melo.