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猎场看守人睡着了。The gamekeeper is asleep.

可是丹伯多让我留下来做了看守员。But Dumbledore let me stay on as gamekeeper.

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他们一跑一追有大约半英里,看守身手敏捷却也很难追得上。For about half a mile the gamekeeper was led a swift and difficult chase.

有一天他正和另一个男孩在那边钓鱼,突然从灌木丛里窜出一个看守。One day he was fishing with another boy when a gamekeeper suddenly darted forth from a thicket.

1880年,哈里•扬特被任命为猎场看守人,其职能是控制公园里的偷猎和肆意破坏公共财产。In 1880, Harry Yount was appointed as a gamekeeper to control poaching and vandalism in the park.

猎场看守人忿忿不平地说,“要是乡绅因为利弗西医生的缘故就不讲话了,那才真怪哩,我想。”" growled the gamekeeper. "A pretty rum go if squire ain't to talk for Dr. Livesey, I should think.

在这块庇护地,猎场看守人可能会种一些野生谷物为他主人的狩猎吸引动物。Within this sanctuary a gamekeeper might plant wild grain to attract favored animals for his lord's hunt.

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那个有钓鱼许可的孩子害怕地叫了一声,扔下鱼竿拼命的跑,看守追了上去。The lad with the permit uttered a cry of fright, dropped his rod, and ran off at top speed. The gamekeeper pursued.

猎场看守,学校钥匙保管员,1993年秋成为保护神奇生物课教师。Gamekeeper and Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts, in the fall of 1993 he also became the Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

“好啦,谁更正确些?”猎场看守人忿忿不平地说,“要是乡绅因为利弗西医生的缘故就不讲话了,那才真怪哩,我想。”"Well, who's a better right?" growled the gamekeeper. "A pretty rum go if squire ain't to talk for Dr. Livesey, I should think. "