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即便在第一场,他就肘击过肖恩。Even in Game 1, he elbowed Shane.

巴蒂尔和乔知道,这是它。Shane and Joe know that this is it.

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沙恩—对他来说这是一个艰难的晚上。Shane-really rough night for Shane.

沙恩死后,我对他的思念与日俱增。I miss Shane more every day he's gone.

佩林•佐卢和谢恩•汤姆林森报道。Pelin Zorlu and Shane Tomlinson report.

好的,巴蒂尔,这就是我们让你来这里的原因。Good job shane. thats what we gott you here for.

沙恩砰的一声撞上一棵树,从雪橇上滚落下来。Shane slammed into a tree and rolled off the sled.

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Shane是个一头长长红发,古怪,谈吐温和的家伙。Shane is a quirky, soft-spoken guy with long red hair.

巴蒂尔和斯通在外线防守曼努和帕克的时候太棒了。Shane and Rafer for their GREAT perimeter defense on Manu and Tony.

他告诉夏恩他们要来学学何谓良好的运动家精神。He told Shane that they were going to learn about good sportsmanship.

我的女儿尼科尔向沙恩道歉,因为她没有准备礼物。My daughter, Nichole, apologized to Shane because she didn't have a gift.

尚恩?史密斯,美国应用材料有限公司全球产品管理部经理。Shane Smith, Manager- Global product management Dept. of Applied Material.

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他们在这场比赛中试着让巴蒂尔成为这样的角色,但失败的很惨。They tried to establish Shane as that guy this game and it failed miserably.

神秘的海洋,肖恩菲尔德,谁的呼号“稻草人去。”The enigmatic Marine, Shane Schofield, who goes by the call-sign "Scarecrow."

夏恩跑到一半左右踩到了一只电鳗,结果那只电鳗发出嘶嘶声,然后咬了他的脚踝。About midway across, Shane stepped on an eel. The eels hissed and bit his ankle.

结果显示不睡觉的人身体免疫力低下,谢恩博士说。The tests showed people who didn't sleep at all had lower immunity, says Dr.Shane.

经过几次见面,Shane加入了Gnomon成为我们新的驻留艺术家。After a few meetings, Shane joined Gnomon as our new, and current, resident artist.

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由于夏恩的爸爸今年搬到华盛顿,所以夏恩要坐飞机去看他。This year Shane's dad had moved to Washington, so Shane was flying out to meet him.

火箭掀起另一个攻击浪潮,巴蒂尔的一个三分使得比分变为81-76。Houston made another run, climbing to within 81-76 on a three-pointer by Shane Battier.

巴蒂尔进入城镇厘定其杈和运行到克里斯之一,弗莱彻的男子。Shane goes into town to fix their pitchfork and runs into Chris, one of Fletcher's men.