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扬琴对我来说是生命中不可缺少的一部分。The dulcimer to me is in the life an essential part.

解决好这些新问题,可以大大提高扬琴学习的效率。Had solved these problems, can improve the efficiency of dulcimer study greatly.

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最令我骄傲的是,我有一双成为未来扬琴家的手。Most makes me arrogantly is, I will have one pair to become the future dulcimer hand.

如今,扬琴已成为我们民族音乐中不可缺少的、甚至不可替代的重要组成部分了。Today, dulcimer folk music has become an indispensable, irreplaceable and even an important part of the.

这次,妈妈把我送到一个扬琴老师家,让我学习这种普通而又音色很好听的乐器。This time, my mother took me to a dulcimer teacher home, let me learn this common and tone is a nice instrument.

江梓笙话更少,只是微微点了点下巴,率先转身向里走去。River Zi dulcimer the words are fewer, just a little bit teeny point chin, above all to turn circular to in walk.

通过典型作品分析,总结这类作品在丰富扬琴艺术表现力方面的共性特征。By analyzing some typical opuses, to summarize the common characteristic in enriching the Dulcimer art expression.

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玉笙并四五个侍女皆是屏息凝神地跟在我身后。The jade dulcimer combines all of 45 maids is with bate respiration concentrate ground heel at I is later necrosis.

江雪籽全当没有看见,手里攥着包包,跟在江梓笙后头也进了别墅。All of river snow seeds' aring don't see, Zuan in the hand wears a bag, with in back also entered villa at the river Zi dulcimer.

扬琴演奏作为器乐表演艺术形式的一种,不仅要有高超的技术技巧,同时深厚的艺术修养也是必不可少的。As one of the instrumental performing forms, the dulcimer performance needs not only the excellent skills, but also deep artistic culture.

玉笙从身后扶着我,我此时虽是自己站着,但身体大部分重量都压在玉笙身上。Jade dulcimer from afterward death hand me, I at this time although I stand, but body huge portions of weights all press on jade dulcimer.

扬琴是一件外来乐器,自它出现之日起,几代人为之进行的改革就从未止步。Dulcimer is an instrument which didn't originate in China. So many people have been working hard through decades to make a much better one.

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凯尔特文艺复兴时期的音乐有著鞠躬鼓瑟,班河民艺和苹果芒廷扬琴,锤扬琴和弹拨鼓瑟。" Renaissance of Celtic music and "folk" arts bowed zither, class and " Apple " River Mountain Dulcimer, Hammer Dulcimer and plucked zither.

玉笙今日自从遇见韶王之后,反应似乎有些呆滞迟钝,我连唤她几声才回过神来。Jade dulcimer reacted to appear some stagnant muffs after met Shao king today, I connect called her, several voices just returned to perfect being.

2000年举办师生扬琴音乐会,同年获南京师范大学”优秀教学成果奖”,所教学生在全国各地多种级别的比赛中有上佳表现。In 2000, she held a teacher-student dulcimer concert and got the Excellent Theaching Award in the same year Also her students performed well in various competitions at different levels.

扬琴不仅是中国民族乐队中主要乐器之一,而且还是中西混合乐队中的常用乐器。The dulcimer is not only one kind of the main musical instruments played in the Chinese folk band but also the instrument frequently used in bands of the Chinese music mixed with the western music.