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你真的想利用你的博客来赚钱吗?Do you actually want to monetize your blog?

交流很难通过广告实现盈利。Communication is really tough to monetize through advertising.

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我现在不赚钱我的博客,但会做的这麽快。I currently do not monetize my blog, but will be doing so soon.

所以我把大部分责任都归结为美联储的存在,因为是他们货币化了这些债务。So I’ve put a lot of blame on the Fed because they monetize these debts.

万事具备,可是你的网站却无法接受付款。Direct advertising sales is arguably the best method to monetize a website.

安卓开发者变得绝望,没法在安卓上很好赚钱。Android developers became frustrated that they couldn't monetize very well on Android.

这将产生一个把财政赤字铸造成货币的机制。This would create a mechanism for countries to monetize part of their budget deficits.

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如果在柏林市中心有一套公寓,价格上涨时就可以随时把它变现。Once you have a flat in central Berlin,you can always monetize it when the prices rise.

了解荷马或者熟悉莎士比亚,理论上是很难用来赚钱的。It is inarguably hard to monetize a familiarity with Homer or an intimacy with Shakespeare.

「坦白说,人们还不太懂怎样利用这些数码东西赚钱,」Milliot说。"Quite frankly nobody quite knows how to monetize all this digital stuff yet, " Milliot said.

我在利基市场中写了4年的博客,这对于圈钱来说可是不小的挑战。I’ve been blogging for over 4 years in a niche that is fairly challenging to monetize effectively.

包括中国在内的47个国家的开发者可以发布他们的AIR应用。Developers and publishers in 47 countries can use Melrose to distribute and monetize AIR applications.

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托博韦切说,流感地区是很难固定下来,即使你成功的签下了合同。"The pandemic area is difficult to monetize even if you successfully generate a contract, " Trbovich said.

12月,Kaixin001.com开始将广告插入到网页游戏中将流量变现。To monetize its traffic, in December began placing in-game advertisements in its Web game apps.

品牌商可以用手机访问这些网站,方便地制作自己的视频站点,并从中盈利。These new sites will allow brands to easily create and monetize their own video-enabled sites for mobile devices.

此外,依赖你这种成功,你可以将你的博客成为你赚钱的工具来做为你额外的收入。Besides, depending on your success, you may be able to monetize your blog and make it an additional source of income.

反之,双方拼杀与娱乐软件产业是货币化的新途径,在其产品的极大兴趣。Instead, both entertainment and software industries are grappling with new ways to monetize tremendous interest in their products.

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问题是,新浪准备什么时候利用微博赚钱,以及这对新浪的赚钱能力会有什么影响。The question is at what point will Sina need to monetize it and what effect will this have on their ability to make money with it.

各州及市政当局可按需借贷,但其份额也受到限制,毕竟它们无法通过印制钞票来偿还债务。States and municipalities can borrow on their own behalf, but are ultimately constrained by their inability to monetize their debt.

Nuji创建了时尚达人的网络,根据用户喜好向他们提供相关购物信息,因此它计划使该网站货币化。As it builds a network of tastemakers, Nuji plans to monetize by offering relevant shopping deals to users based on their interests.