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他现在已变得老于世故了。He has now been sophisticated.

你是精明还是“糊涂虫”?Are You Sophisticated or Myopic?

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这是一台非常精密的机器。This is a very sophisticated machine.

第二,精业务技能。Second, sophisticated business skills.

她是个老于世故的年轻女子。She's a very sophisticated young woman.

他的创作风格是细致并长于用典。His style is sophisticated and allusive.

坚固美观的外壳,标准2U机箱设计。Firm and sophisticated standard 2U design.

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人体其实是一台精密的机器。The human body is a sophisticated machine.

我不会操作这种新的精密机器。I can't work this sophisticated new machine.

我们还有很多尖端的行业。We still have very sophisticated industries.

我的脸看起来会更有骨感,更加精致。I will look more sophisticated and exquisite.

关于这个政策,还存在着一种强词夺理的见解。There was a sophisticated case for this policy.

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那个老于世故的校医脾气很坏。The sophisticated school doctor had a sour temper.

“这些都是非常精密的机器”他说。“These are very sophisticated machines, ” he said.

政府正在变成更加老练的国企掌握者。Governments are becoming more sophisticated owners.

我们有看到过大规模复杂性联合演习吗?Have we seen large, joint, sophisticated exercises?

这是否意味着老于世故的人拥有较高的情商?Does it mean that a sophisticated man has a high EQ?

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交叉推广是得益于完善的数据处理技术Cross-promotion thanks to sophisticated data handling

假如咱们有较先进的地震检测仪就好多啦!If only we had more sophisticated seismic geophones !

极其精致的女士贴身衬衫。Extremely sophisticated with figure-hugging femininity.