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而我们为了不输而去比赛时。Whereas when we play not to lose.

但在英国,人们并不这样。Whereas in the UK, people don't do that.

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灵活人爱道理,蠢人背弃道理。Wisemen love truth. whereas fools shun it.

译〕智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理。Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.

无论将我放在烈日烘烤绿地之处。Set me whereas the sun doth parch the green.

而那些有礼物的能够得到雌性的青睐。Whereas those with a gift could get the girl.

但我可以从伐木场弄到本地木材。Whereas I can get local lumber from a sawmill.

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鉴于下列事实已经发生,…Whereas the following incidents have occurred.

而银行却自身难保。whereas governments would let some banks fail.

这是免税的,股利还要征税It's tax deductible, whereas dividends are not.

唯物主义者面向真理,唯心主义者则逃避真理。Materialists face truth, whereas idealists shun it.

它们能产生收入流,而黄金则不会。They produce an income stream, whereas gold doesn't.

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但是这些是相信它的结论原因。Whereas these are conclusion reason to believe that.

她搭公车上班,而我则搭地铁。She takes the bus to work, whereas I take the subway.

我们珍赏十字架,撒但却从十字架逃跑。Whereas we appreciate the cross, Satan flees from it.

坏蛋是装甲单位,收割者是轻甲单位。Hellions are armored, whereas Reapers are light armor.

如前所述财产是托交上诉人管理的。Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant.

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鉴于财产是为上诉人托管的。Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant.

詹妮的苦难结束了,然而雪莉的却开始了。But whereas Jenny’s suffering had ended, Shirley’s began.

而另外一份邮件则是相反。Whereas the other email list said completely the opposite.