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迈克尔还真像水瓶座。Michael is such an Aquarian.

你能到精神上的知觉,宝瓶座的时代来临。Coming, or the birth of the Aquarian Age.

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本月也有许多水瓶座的影响。This is also a month with a lot of Aquarian influence.

“水瓶”的生日愿望是希望他们非凡才能能被大家接受。Aquarian wish to be accepted for the eccentric genius it is.

水瓶年代将是我们知道怎样通过我们的内在来了解怎么去做。The Aquarian Age will be about us knowing what to do in our hearts.

放下它!因为你正在穿越水瓶年代,信任神圣的宇宙智慧。As you cross into the Aquarian Age, trust the flow of divine wisdom.

水瓶男无忧无虑却缺乏激情。An Aquarian man displays a carefree attitude. However, he lacks passion.

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这两类水瓶可以反映于这两类第十一宫强的人。These two types of Aquarian can be seen in the two types of 11th house people.

如果你是现在坐在读这而且跟你自己说的长椅上的一个宝瓶宫出生的人,等候!If you are an Aquarian who is now sitting on the couch reading this and saying to yourself, Wait!

生于二月的水瓶座的诞生石是紫水晶,而生于一月的水瓶座的诞生石是石榴石。Amethyst is the birthstone for an Aquarian born in February and garnet for an Aquarian born in January.

水,静谧与智慧之宝。源源而来的灵性智慧和滔滔不绝的生命力,引领您走入全新的宝瓶世纪。Collection leads us to the next Aquarian Century with the spiritual wisdom and the endless life energy.

然而,水瓶座男人凭借聪明的才智、善良的天性,在人生中无往不利。However, Aquarian man's intelligence, good nature, friendliness definitely makes him successful in life.

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水瓶座的人很重视独立,所以不容易长期稳定下来。Aquarian people value their independence, so it can be hard for them to settle into a long term relationship.

不管您在哪,还是在做什么,让我们一起庆祝通过40天的全球冥想来欢迎水瓶年代的到来!No matter where you or when you do it, congratulations for making it to day 40 and welcome to the Aquarian Age!

水瓶的特性使水瓶座的人感情更加丰富,众所周知,在任何群体中都是个有意思的人。Aquarius traits make the personality of an Aquarian richer and he is known to be an interesting person in any group.

水瓶座的能量现在可衡量的,哈雷彗星,精力星球变造的第三十三届通道,意识加快。Aquarian energies now measurable, thirty-third passage of Halley's Comet, energy on planet alters, consciousness accelerates.

他的感情越疏远、举止越古怪得让人捉摸不透,反而更能让水瓶座女性迷上他。The more emotionally detached and unpredictable this oddball is in his actions, the more enthralled his Aquarian woman will be.

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对现代社会来说挑战宗教信仰仍旧是异端行为,虽然时代已随着我们进入水瓶纪元而变化着。To the modern world defiance of religious belief is still a heresy, although the times are changing as we enter the Aquarian Age.

水,静谧与智慧之宝。源源而来的灵性智慧和滔滔不绝的生命力,引领您走入全新的宝瓶世纪。Water stands for Wisdom. Waterfall Collection leads us to the next Aquarian Century with the spiritual wisdom and the endless life energy.

尤兹利见识到了伍德斯托克可能会面临的重重艰难——降水、毒品、饮食短缺——感觉到的却是弥漫在周围的水瓶座创造气息。As Uzzle walked amid Woodstock's many potential disasters—rain, drugs, food and water shortages—he felt something of an Aquarian spirit in the air.