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这是被称为舒张压。This is known as the diastolic pressure.

舒张期心力衰竭—是真正独立的疾病吗?Diastolic Heart Failure-Is It Really a Dis tinct Entity?

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高温对舒张压的作用为拮抗效应。Heat had effect on diastolic pressure antagonistic with noise.

自动定位收缩和舒张末结束帧。Automatically locates the end systolic and end diastolic frames.

早期舒张性杂音早期杂音紧随S2发生。Early diastolic murmurs. Early murmurs begin immediately after S2.

舒张期等容舒张期时间也延长。In diastolic period, the isovolumic relaxation time also got longer.

捉示窒息婴儿右心收缩和舒张功能受损。The detraction of systolic and diastolic function of right heart of.

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结论TMLR可以改善心脏收缩和舒张功能。Conclusion TMLR can improve the systolic and diastolic function of heart.

IMA移植后舒张期血流明显增加。The diastolic blood flow of grafted IMA markedly increased postoperatively.

ICK能够定量分析节段舒张功能。ICK can quantitatively assess regional diastolic function of left ventricle.

目的探讨高血压患者左室舒张功能不全与U波的关系。Objective To determine the relation between U wave and diastolic dysfunction.

男孩的舒张压的情况也是一样,女孩的情况亦不例外。Findings were similar for diastolic pressure in boys, and both readings in girls.

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心肌粘弹性是决定心脏舒张功能的主要因素。Myocardial viscoelasticity is the main determined factor of cardiac diastolic function.

当测量血压时,要读两个数据——心脏收缩压和心脏舒张压。When your blood pressure is measured, there are two readings -- systolic and diastolic.

与舒张末期容积比较,NTG对心脏收缩末期容积影响更大。Compared with end diastolic volume, NTG reduced the end systolic volume more significantly.

在短暂前负荷减少时,直接测量出舒张期僵硬度常数。During transient preload reduction, the diastolic stiffness constant was measured directly.

这样,全身血管都参加了舒缩运动。In this way, systemic blood vessels have participated in the systolic and diastolic motion.

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后负荷变化影响舒张早期及心房收缩期左室充盈。Variation of afterload influenced not only early, but also late diastolic filling parameters.

干预组的患者的收缩压和舒张压的下降幅度高于对照组的患者。Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased more in intervention patients than in controls.

脉冲多普勒组织成像技术评价左室舒张功能与前负荷的依赖关系?。Is Doppler tissue imaging dependent on preload in evaluating left ventricular diastolic function?