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什么,瑞奇马丁是基友?What? Ricky Martin's gay.

给我来一杯玫瑰花水里奇。I'll have a Rosewater Ricky.

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Ricky向老板要求要加薪。Ricky asked his boss for a raise.

上帝,你怎么了?Ricky Fitts Jesus what is it with you?

里基·邵夫是男孩们的父亲。Ricky Shoff is the father of the boys.

里奇是在纽约的古巴领队。Ricky is a Cuban bandleader in New York.

但是,此次他作为电影明星登场,我准备好了吗?But was I ready for Ricky Gervais the movie star?

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当然了,我的两条宝贝,里基和露西,这种曾度的温度对它们来说是小意思。Of course, that doesn’t matter to Ricky and Lucy.

因为有许多的练习,里基真的非常忙。Ricky was really busy because of lots of practice.

注意里基,他有时喜欢在课堂上捣乱。Watch Ricky.He sometimes likes to act up in class.

安立奎和Ricky之间的差别真大。There is a big difference between Enrique and Ricky.

里基没有给基蒂写信,因为他非常忙。Ricky did not write to Kitty because he was very busy.

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黄志达饮誉设计界的同时,也引起外界的广泛关注。Furthermore, Ricky has also won the attention of Medias.

Ricky还介绍了执行编排模式Ricky introduces also the Execution Orchestrator pattern

里基工作如此努力,因为他想要演出成功。Ricky worked so hard because he wanted the show to be a success.

安立奎和瑞奇马丁有什么区别?What difference is there between Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin?

你可能会在附近看到他们。我看到过里奇•格威斯,他是个喜剧明星。You might see them around. I saw Ricky Gervais, who's the comedian.

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因为我事实上可以用西班牙语来访谈瑞奇·马丁这样的人,because I can actually interview someone like Ricky Martin in Spanish

尽管如此,还是有些明星没有问题,包括瑞奇-热尔维,赛斯-格林。Some stars have no problem, though, including Ricky Gervais, Seth Green.

里奇在赛后的采访中称那是自己职业生涯中最漂亮的进球。Ricky called it the most beautiful of his career in a post-game interview.