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胆管癌以阻塞型和闭塞型狭窄多见。The obstruction type and occlusive stenosis type were more common.

这证实了家长对阻塞治疗重要性的理解较差。This confirms poor understanding of the importance of occlusive therapy among parents.

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运用一些器械,比如子宫托可有类似耻骨后尿道固定术的效果。D. Occlusive devices, such as pessaries, can mimic the effects of a retropubic urethropexy.

心肌梗死常发生于冠状动脉粥样硬化闭塞。Myocardial infarction almost always results from occlusive coronary artery atherosclerosis.

我们也注意到家长往往根据他们孩子的意愿忽视了对阻塞治疗的控制。We also noticed that parents usually passed the control of occlusive therapy to their child's will.

Charnley发现将超洁净空气系统与隔离手术服同时使用,预防效果最好。Charnley found that ultra clean air systems were most effective when combined with occlusive clothing.

目的观察密闭性敷料所造成的密闭液性环境对皮片供皮区创面愈合的影响。Objective To observe the effect of occlusive environment on wound healing of the skin graft donor site.

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石膏作为干旱气候和闭塞环境的标志,广泛存在于第三系红层之中。The gypsum that is a symbol of droughty climate and occlusive environment is extensive in Neogene Red Clay.

受试者年龄在40至80岁之间,他们患有冠心病,其他的动脉闭塞性疾病或糖尿病。Subjects were 40 to 80 years of age and had coronary disease, other occlusive arterial disease, or diabetes.

重者牙齿磨耗,产生咬合创伤,可以产生牙周病变。Wear and tear of tooth of the person that weigh, produce occlusive scar, can produce periodontosis to change.

本病例入院臆断为阻塞性肠道缺血。A case of small bowel volvulus was admitted with the clinical impression of acute occlusive intestinal ischemia.

目的探讨外伤后四肢动脉急性闭塞介入治疗的临床价值。Objective To investigate the acute post-traumatic limb occlusive arterial interventional treatment of clinical value.

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膝下腔内治疗已被认为是膝下闭塞性病变的首选治疗方法。Below-knee endovascular treatment has been considered to be of the preferred treatment for below-knee occlusive disease.

目的研究牙颈部楔状缺损与牙齿咬合接触的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship between tooth occlusive contact in the laterotrusion and wedge-shaped defects.

而如果从手术部位感染的角度来考量其经济价值,那么封闭敷料的费用还是非常合理的。When viewed with respect to the cost of surgical site infections, the cost of the occlusive dressing is very reasonable.

在某些语境中它也指代除心脏外全身任何地方的各种闭塞性血管疾病。In some contexts it can be used to refer to any sort of occlusive vascular disease anywhere in the body, except the heart.

目的评价JOSTENT支架在治疗主动脉及外周动脉狭窄或梗阻性病变中的作用。Objective To evaluate the effect of JOSTENT in the treatment of aortic and peripheral arterial stenotic- occlusive diseases.

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目的探讨经脑动脉内注溶栓药物治疗急性闭塞性脑血管病的临床效果。Objective To evaluate the value of intra arterial thrombolytic therapy in the treatment of acute occlusive cerebral disease.

防护整理上沿着正确合理的道路前进,即从堵塞式涂胶进步到通风透气的整理。Progress in repellent finishes has followed logical path, from occlusive coatings to those that permit the fabric to breathe.

慢性肺栓塞时,可表现为血管完全性闭塞性改变,并较附近正常血管管径为小。Chronic pulmonary embolism can manifest as complete occlusive disease in vessels that are smaller than adjacent patent vessels.