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冲浪者昨天在海里冲浪。The surfer surfed in the sea yesterday.

还记得那个穿着比基尼冲浪的小妞凯特.博斯沃思吗?Kate Bosworth as a cute surfer chick in a bikini?

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我们并不需要花花公子杜福来告诉我们,它是如此引人入胜的。We didn't need surfer dudes to tell us that it was interesting.

“你的体重的危险,”这位身材魁梧,生姜头发的冲浪者。"You weigh the dangers, " says the burly, ginger-haired surfer.

在悉尼邦迪海滩上位于冲浪手后方一条水龙卷在袭击海面。A water spout hits the sea behind a surfer on Sydney's Bondi Beach.

找一小部分,真棒的价格阿伯克龙比冲浪风格。Get that awesome Abercrombie surfer style for a fraction of the price.

首先,冲浪者要面朝下在滑板上飘浮,等待合宜的大浪。First, a surfer floats on the board facedown and waits for a good wave.

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那里总会吸引众多葡萄酒爱好者,来河边度假的人还有喜欢冲浪的花花公子。Big with wine lovers history buffs, river vacationeers and surfer dudes.

接著大浪会涌向滑板,将滑板与冲浪者推往海岸。Then, the wave catches the surfboard and pulls it and the surfer toward the shore.

冲浪者和海洋科技能源的工程师都在寻找能量巨大的海浪。Both a surfer and an OTP engineer are looking for a wave with a lot of energy to them.

冲浪者等待在海滩附近Arpoador在里约热内芦2010年8月27日海上的波浪。A surfer waits for waves in the sea near Arpoador beach in Rio de Janeiro August 27 2010.

冲浪者等待在海滩附近Arpoador在里约热内卢2010年8月27日海上的波浪。A surfer waits for waves in the sea near Arpoador beach in Rio de Janeiro August 27, 2010.

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31岁的布里斯本冲浪者乔纳森·比尔德被咬中腿部,但是他努力的游回了海滩。Surfer Jonathan Beard, 31, of Brisbane, was bitten on the leg but managed to paddle to shore.

冲浪者不断重击它的鼻子,试图让白鲨放开他。Attempting to force the shark to release him, the surfer slugged it on the snout over and over.

冲浪者丹尼尔麦吉利斯骑在关机贝尔马,上周五美国新泽西州,2010年9月3日粗糙冲浪的浪潮。Surfer Daniel McGillis rides a wave in rough surf off Belmar, New Jersey on Friday, Sept. 3, 2010.

与此同时,日本女星酒井法子的丈夫高相祐一因携带毒品也遭到警方逮捕,这两起涉毒事件在日本掀起轩然大波。It came as pop singer Noriko Sakai's husband, surfer Yuichi Takaso, was also arrested on a drugs charge.

紫杉了一个念头,39岁,他本人和中的并不在海滩上漫步、来到一座雕像“银影侠”的接触。Yew, 39, got the idea while he and Bugsy were not walking on the beach and came upon a statue of a surfer.

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但他却住在和另一个冲浪员共有的一个货车里,他们俩总是向游客讨钱。But he sleeps in a van he co-owns with another surfer and they both frequently panhandle tourists for money.

当你想到加州女孩,你或许会想到像安吉拉。考伦一样白肤金发碧眼的女孩长相。When you think California girl you probably think of someone like Angela colon blond with surfer girl looks.

沿着凑近锡楚埃特,马萨诸塞州,一个冲浪者骑在清晨4月波海岸,2010。Along the coast near Scituate Massachusetts a surfer rides a wave in the early morning on September 4th 2010.