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第一,互惠互利是根本。First, mutual benefit.

这种反感是相互的。The antipathy is mutual.

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三鞠躬,尊重是相互的。Three bow, respect is mutual.

在这里,像兄弟般互助。Here, like fraternal mutual aid.

互帮互助是大自然的法则。Mutual help is the law of nature.

这种不安的感觉是相互的。The feeling of unease is mutual.

提出一种新型的交互式MRAS。A novel mutual MRAS was presented.

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那将对我们双方都不利。It will be to our mutual disadvantage.

互助组织还受到其他方面的困阻。Mutual aid was hindered in other ways.

所以在参照此条标准时,应当安排一次双方互惠与否的测试。There should be a mutual benefit test.

例如共同的朋友,老板,家乡,等等。Mutual friends, bosses, hometowns, etc.

现在我还没有给共同基金下一个定义。Now, I haven't defined mutual fund yet.

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一种投资方法就是通过共同基金。Oneway to invest is through mutual funds.

以团结协作为荣,以彼此拆台为耻。Team work as glory, Mutual hurt as shame.

更确切地说,是通过别的朋友认识的,rather a mutual friend of a friend of mine

果不其然,我们有共同的朋友。As it turned out, we shared mutual friends.

而且大小均匀互不通联。Communications and mutual non-uniform size.

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并且有一个相互的斥力。And, there is a mutual repulsive force here.

集体性的相互泼水就这样开始了。Integral mutual water-repellent thus begins.

结成联盟往往是为了共同防御。Leagues are commonly made for mutual defense.