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诺森伯兰国家公园,英格兰Northumberland National Park, England

纽卡斯尔主要的购物街是诺森伯兰大街。The main shopping street in the city is Northumberland Street.

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安尼克是我们在前往诺森伯兰郡旅途上将要参观的最北部的小镇。Alnwick is the northernmost town we will visit on this journey through Northumberland.

一五五三年七月十日,即爱德华去世之后几天,诺森伯兰宣布她继位为女王。On 10 July 1553, several days after Edward's death, Northumberland proclaimed her queen.

在一次受控爆炸炸毁一个包裹后,诺森伯兰大街周围的道路也被封闭。Roads around Northumberland Avenue were also closed while a bag was destroyed in a controlled explosion.

伦敦塔开始滥用酷刑,受珀西诬陷,诺森伯兰伯爵一直被监禁到1621年。Some small fry were tortured in the Tower and, tainted by Percy, the Earl of Northumberland was imprisoned there until 1621.

这只至少200年来第一只出生在诺森伯兰的小鱼鹰强健而且可以飞翔了。The first osprey chicks to be born in Northumberland for at least 200 years are fighting fit and getting ready for take-off.

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我喜欢带我的女儿Ursula步行从我们住的伦敦诺森伯兰到她在拉德布罗克广场的学校。I love to walk my daughter Ursula to school from Northumberland Place in London where I live to her school in Ladbroke Square.

在诺森伯兰郡采石场,考古学家首次发掘出新石器时代巨石圈建造者的家园。Archaeologists have for the first time unearthed the homes of neolithic henge builders in a set of dwellings excavated from a northumberland quarry.

在为东诺森伯兰郡学生队踢球的时候,查尔顿非凡的天才就吸引了曼联首席球探,乔•阿姆斯特朗的注意。Playing for the East Northumberland Schoolboys side, Charlton's prodigious talents caught the eye of Manchester United's chief scout, Joe Armstrong.

诺森伯兰公爵们在700年前就知道了这件事情,不过它现在得到了正式认可——诺森伯兰郡的阿尼克小镇是英国最适宜居住的地方。The Dukes of Northumberland have known it for 700 years, but it is now official the small Northumberland town of Alnwick is the best place to live in Britain.

连续3天,Cook都是从早上6点工作到晚上9或10点,在敦刻尔克大撤退的布景地周围漫步,该幕在诺森伯兰郡的Redcar拍摄。For three days, Cook worked from 6am until 9 or 10 at night, wandering round the set of the evacuation of Dunkerque, which was being filmed at Redcar in Northumberland.

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我从诺斯兰伯南出来的时候只有15岁,为一家位于波罗德西斯的公司工作,一直到我17岁的生日可以签署职业合同为止。I came down from Northumberland when I was 15 but I had to work at a company in Broadheath until I was old enough to sign. So on my 17th birthday I signed to be a professional.

被称为”宇宙摇滚曲“,”闪闪的天际“中有诵读音乐部分,材料是Moore提供的诺森伯兰郡乡村上空数以百万计的可见恒星。Described as a "cosmic rock song," the song "Glittering Sky" incorporates spoken word material from Moore about the millions of starts visible above the Northumberland countryside.

省东部的沿岸被圣劳伦斯湾和诺森伯兰海峡所包抄,暖热的沙滩装点周遍,弗吉僧亚北部的淡水最为暖和。The coastal province of eastern Gulf of St. Lawrence and is surrounded by Northumberland Strait, warm sandy beaches dotted all over, the water in northern Virginia, the most warmth.

我曾种过Whinham的品种的鹅莓,这个一种红色的鹅莓,它的名字要追溯到19世纪的中期的诺森伯兰,碰巧那也是一种适于保存的品种。I've planted the variety Whinham's Industry, a red gooseberry with a name that harks back to mid 19thC Northumberland and that just happens to be a particularly good one for preserving, too.

在距离诺森伯兰郡海岸线两三英里的地方,这里的群岛是将近100,000多对海鸟夏天繁殖时的家园,包括海雀,海鸠和北极燕鸥。Situated two to three miles off the Northumberland coastline, the archipelago is a summer home to approximately 100,000 pairs of breeding seabirds including puffins, guillemots and Arctic terns.