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侧止他的不良行为。The side stops his misdeed.

这是卡扎菲最后的错误之举。This is Qaddafi's last misdeed.

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对这个错误我要负部分责任。I was to blame in part for this misdeed.

世贤和戊己得到消息,准备揭发英明的罪行。Shixian and Wuji get the news and plan to expose Yingming's misdeed.

从而及时发现网络犯罪,保护网络与信息安全。So we can discover Internet misdeed and keep the network in safe status.

另一方面,金生发现昭仪的劣行后,马上略加教诲。On the other hand, Jinsheng teaches Zhaoyi a lesson after he learnt of her misdeed.

可是,四川的劣行曝光后,令可欣感到非常失望。In the meantime, Kexin is very disappointed with Sichuan after his misdeed has been exposed.

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仅仅因为出身于错误的阶级或者被指控犯有某种罪行,整个家庭都会被消灭。Entire families could be wiped out just for belonging to the wrong class or for some alleged misdeed.

而由于对什么是正确和错误的认识,一个可能永远不会做任何不当行为再次。And because of the awareness of what is right and wrong, one would probably never do any misdeed again.

这个习语表示让某人留下来为某个行为负责,通常为某种罪行或不法行为。This expression makes the person left holding the bag responsible for an action, often a crime or misdeed.

是的,当我们最初面对错误或者背板的时候我们会感到生气、发脾气。Yes, we may get angry and express it in the moment when we are first confronted with a misdeed or betrayal.

有一次它又跑到村庄里为非作歹,被一家门口晾的大红衣服吓跑了。Have once it to run a village to carry on misdeed again, was frighten by one deep red clothes for sun to run.

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另一方面,戊己见昭仪和正杰在夜店约会,即把昭仪的不当行为告知金生。In the meantime, Wuji sees Zhaoyi at a nightspot with Zhengjie. He tells Jinsheng about Zhaoyi's misdeed soon after.

随着我国高等教育改革不断深入,高校职务犯罪时常发生,近几年来更呈现高发态势。Duty misdeed in higher educational institutions has come about in many cases along with the deepening of higher education reform in our country.

刑事法院院长到监狱里往看拉色内尔时,曾向拉色内尔问到一件他不肯承认的案子。When the President of the Assizes visited Lacenaire in his prison, and questioned him concerning a misdeed which Lacenaire denied, "Who did it?"

非法侵入计算机信息系统犯罪,是利用计算机网络进行犯罪且后果最为严重的一种犯罪。The crime that illegally invade computer information system is a kind of misdeed that using internet to commit and the outcome is being most serious.

笔者结合国内外有关文献,对精神分裂症患者所致司法案件的作案特征以及患者的责任能力、受审能力、服刑能力的研究进行综述。The characteristics of schizophrene′s misdeed and the peace breaker′s responsibility, competence to stand trial and to serve a sentence were reviewed.

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后会发生什么事不要杨氏可怕的罪行,揭示和萨网络唤醒其实是她的姐妹被遗弃在车站所有这些几年前?What happens when Do Young's terrible misdeed is revealed and that Sa Wol is actually the sister she abandoned at the train station all those years ago?

每当学者的不端行为被揭发后,相关机构的第一反应就是“这会给组织抹黑”。When a misdeed by a scholar is uncovered, the first reaction of the institution to which the accused scholar belongs is to consider this as bringing shame to the organization.

那报纸当时正在报道最近BBC的世界顶级汽车测评节目的主持人杰里米克拉克森访问前英国财政大臣布朗的不当行为,即使评论没有被发布出来。The paper was reporting on the latest misdeed of Jeremy Clarkson, host of the BBC show Top Gear, who called Prime Minister Gordon Brown one, although the comment wasn't broadcast.