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一个高效的网管软件是网络运行的可靠保证。An effective management software ensures network to run credibly.

SL-2在现场工作稳定可靠,监测效果良好。SL-2 works stably and credibly. The effect of application is identified well.

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因此,需要有一种方便、有效、可靠的检测手段来检测高压设备的绝缘状态。Then, we need a way that can measure HV equipment's insulation effectively, credibly and conveniently.

当卡扎菲垮台时,没有人可以令人信服地说美国是驱动这些变化的幕后黑手。When Qaddafi falls, no one can credibly argue that America was the driving force behind these changes.

可见性属于对可信地刺激别人所需的信息的可用性和访问权。Visibility pertains to availability of and access to the information needed to credibly motivate others.

管理人员要想十拿九稳,最好的方法之一就是要确保在与出资人交谈时运用对方的语言。One of the best ways for a manager to do so credibly is to make sure he's speaking the sponsor's language.

我们的宗旨是确保所有林产品均源于管理良好并取得可信认证的森林。Our mission is to ensure that all forest products are originally from well managed and credibly certificated forest.

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系统的实现为所在单位大量的岩土工程勘察图件提供了一个安全、可靠、使用方便的管理模式。Using this system, large quantity of engineering investigation maps can be managed safely, credibly and conveniently.

现在一说起某某的癌症通过物理疗法治好了,人们一定觉得不可信。Now as soon as mentioned someone's cancer to cure through the physiotherapy, the people thought certainly not credibly.

同时为了适应整体系统特殊场合的需要,本文也对超宽带功率放大器进行了研究和设计,借助EDA软件高效地完成了相关的设计工作。The circuit can credibly run in OOK-UWB and PPM-UWB system. UWB power amplifier also is researched with the aid of EDA.

与其他西方国家相比,本周美国可以更理直气壮地说,它终于实现了真正的政治种族融合。This week America can claim more credibly than any other western country to have at last become politically colour-blind.

本周美国能够比其他西方国家更确信地宣称已经称为“政治色盲”。This week America can claim more credibly than any other western country to have at last become politically colour-blind.

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一名检察官能公开威胁一名中年男囚犯提供不利于自己上司的证据,否则他将在牢房里度过余生。A prosecutor can credibly threaten a middle-aged man that he will die in a cell unless he gives evidence against his boss.

奥巴马政府财务平静外交手段,首先试图说服萨利赫平和并守信地回应民众要求。The Obama administration, using quiet diplomacy, at first tried to persuade him to respond peacefully and credibly to popular demands.

一个人怎么能够当面信誓旦旦的要求政府更加透明化和公开化,而转身却为联邦储备银行的秘密状态辩护呢?How can one credibly argue for more transparency in government in one breath and defend the secrecy of the Federal Reserve in the next?

其他人可能觉得,加拿大的方式可能不会被视为对美联储未来的决策产程可信的约束,因而不会产生效果。Others may feel the Canadian approach would be ineffective as it may not be seen as credibly binding the central bank's future decisions.

如果连你自己都不清楚的话,你根本就不可能有效且可信地向你的搭档们解释每一件你需要完成的事情。You can't effectively and credibly explain to your partners everything that you need to accomplish if you don't know these things yourself.

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稳高压消防给水系统与其它消防给水系统相比较,其灭火冷却及时、迅速、可靠有效。The steady high-pressure fire fighting water supply system is used more rapidly and more credibly for fire-extinguishing than other systems.

然而,他的陈述——详实可靠地描述了“北冰洋”号船上的普通生活——却给官方的版本捅了娄子。Nonetheless, his testimony – with its credibly banal account of life on board the Arctic Sea – blows a hole in the official version of events.

要实现企业的诚信经营,必须从宏观和微观两个层面上加以努力。It is important to manage credibly for the subsistence and development of the enterprise, so we should work hard in macrocosmic and microcosmic.