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轴瓦盖和连杆中有轴瓦,它允许连杆内的曲柄锁自由地转动。The cap and rod have bearings which permit the crankpin to rotate freely within the rod.

曲轴主轴颈和连杆颈外圆的粗加工及半精加工是曲轴切削加工中费时较多的工序。The roughing and semi-finishing machining of the crankshaft spindle neck and crankpin is more time-consuming process.

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连杆的作用是将活塞承受的压力传给连杆轴颈。同时,连杆做偏心运动。The connecting rod carries the power thrusts from the piston to the crankpin. At the same time, the rod is in eccentric motion.

每对气缸通过连杆来驱动一个曲柄销,在曲柄拴的前部是减速到低速运行的螺旋桨。Each pair drives one crankpin , via two connecting rods, and the front of the crankshaft is geared down to a slower-running propeller.

通过计算举例,指出CYJ10—3—53B型抽油机存在曲柄销疲劳强度偏低的问题。The author asserts that the examples of calculation Show a somewhat low fatigue strength for the crankpin of CYJ10—3—53B pumping units.

阐述了发动机曲轴动平衡试验时在曲柄销上需加装当量质量的原因,并提出了在曲轴动平衡试验时当量质量的计算方法。The reason why crankshaft must be equipped the equivalent ring at the crankpin when the dynamical equilibrium test is made is pointed out.

连杆的一端与曲轴的连杆轴颈相连,另一端通过活塞销与活塞相连。The connecting rod is attached at one end to a crankpin on the crankshaft and at the other end to a piston, through a piston pin or wrist pin.

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分析了曲轴随动磨削中,来自运动模型、工艺系统以及数控系统的误差对连杆颈圆度的影响。The effects of motion model, maching complex and numerical control system upon the crankpin roundness error in non-circular grinding were analyzed.

通过把连杆连接到包住曲柄销的一个主盘上,十二个气缸便可在同一个曲柄销上工作。By attaching the connecting rods to a master disk surrounding the crankpin, as many as twelve cylinders have been made to work on a single crankpin.

在考虑曲轴主轴颈、曲柄臂和连杆轴颈的变形以及重力对臂距差影响的基础上,利用有限元分析工具,改进了传统的利用测量臂距差调整曲轴中心轴线的方法。The adjustment method of crankshaft deflection is improved by the means of FEM, in which the infection of gravity and deformation of crankshaft, crankpin and crank web are included.

配备曲轴连杆颈随动磨削软件和用户专用磨削界面软件,在曲轴等零件的一次装夹过程中,实现非圆的高精度随动磨削和在线自动补偿。Following-up grinding software of crankpin and customer special used software are provided. Non-round high precision grinding and online compensation are realized in chucking process.

柴油机氮化球铁曲轴在服役过程中发生了断裂,断裂发生在第一曲拐与第二主轴颈之间的曲柄处。The failure analyses were conducted on a diesel engine crankshaft made of ductile cast iron, which was nitrided. The fracture occurred at the web between the 1st crankpin and 2nd journal.