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但是超人并不意味着超自然。But superhuman does not mean supernatural.

罪恶没有什么内在的超能力。There's nothing inherently supernatural about sin.

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自月球的兔仔,天生神力,性格火爆,立志要做?地。A rabbit comes from the Moon, with supernatural power.

他不相信任何一种超自然的东西。He did not believe in any kind of supernatural anything.

“性”清通神妙,却是可以认识的。"Nature" is pure and supernatural. It can be known, too.

能剧“中超自然的英雄化**类讲述故事。In the No, supernatural heroes become human to tell a story.

我们这个故事里看不到很多超自然的干扰。We don't have a lot of supernatural interference in this story.

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他拥有一根神奇的金箍棒和高强的武功。He had a magic golden cudgel and tremendously supernatural power.

萨满教道士是超自然的行家里手,而且能够释梦。Shamans are experts in the supernatural and can interpret dreams.

但欢度万圣节可不一定要信鬼。But belief in the supernatural is not required to enjoy Halloween.

我正在读的这本书讲的是鬼怪和其他一些超自然的事。I am reading a book about ghosts and other supernatural sightings.

两天以前,我从一个魔法师那儿得到了一件神奇的雨衣。Two days ago, I was got a supernatural raincoat from an enchanter.

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单词“恐惧”是指他们超自然生命的颤抖。The word "dread" refers to trepidation of their supernatural being.

冥冥之中有一种力量告诉我,这次她会在家了。Some supernatural power told me that she would be at home this time.

著迷状态是指被超自然能力或是法术能力给迷住了。A fascinated creature is entranced by a supernatural or spell effect.

狗肉滚三滚…神仙站不稳…Dog's meat rolls three rolling, supernatural being cannot stand firm.

他是接近于超自然能力,能够帮助学生生还。These are near supernatural powers that may help the Student survive!

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我保留了那些肯定是住在幽暗森林中的超自然人物。I kept the supernatural cast that I’m sure inhabited those dark woods.

灵魂所具有的超脱自然的大智大善神圣!Holy the supernatural extra brilliant intelligent kindness of the soul!

阴风惨淡的港府,上演着一幕幕惊心动魄的灵异事件。The chilly wind bleak, staged a thrilling scene of supernatural events.