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霍伊特先生做出了很好的回应。Mr Hoyt airs some good responses.

法斯托也表达也对霍伊特法官的感谢。Mr. Fastow also add reed Judge Hoyt.

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迪克贺伊特和儿子瑞克证明了一切皆有可能。Dick Hoyt and his son, Rick, prove anything is possible.

医生告诉Dick和Judy夫妇,他们的儿子由于???The doctors told Dick and Judy Hoyt that their son had ???

Hoyt还提到,Orbitz.com可能在2010年会发布其应用程序。Hoyt said that the company may release its application in 2010.

当Hoyt一家去海边时,Rick也去了。So when the Hoyt family went to the beach for a swim, Rick went too.

“他的行径极端残忍,他折磨我们的孩子的手段令人发指,”霍伊特说。"What he did was so horrendous, how he tortured our children, " Hoyt said.

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故事发生在43年前的马萨诸塞州温切斯特市,瑞克霍伊特正于那时出生。It started in Winchester, Massachusetts, 43 years ago, when Rick Hoyt was born.

霍伊特·桑福特·范登堡上将号后沉没的第一天,一名潜水员巡查这艘船的情况,它不偏不倚地垂直沉在海底。A day after the General Hoyt S. Vandenberg was sunk, a diver descended to inspect the ship, which landed perfectly upright.

霍伊特范登堡上将在不到两分钟的时间里将其下沉,为潜水者和钓鱼者的活动创造了一个新的人工礁。The General Hoyt S. Vandenberg sank in less than two minutes, creating a new artificial reef for sports divers and anglers.

尽管法斯托的律师和政府检察官请求能让他在赎罪日假期后主动自首,但霍伊特法官拒绝了这一请求。Fastow's lawyers and government prosecutors asked that he be allowed to surrender voluntarily after the Yom Kiur holiday on Monday, Judge Hoyt refused.

尽管法斯托的律师和政府检察官请求能让他在赎罪日假期后主动自首,但霍伊特法官拒绝了这一请求。Fastow's lawyers and government prosecutors asked that he be allowed to surrender voluntarily after the Yom Kippur holiday on Monday, Judge Hoyt refused.

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今晚需要评估的这将是影响广播电视比赛的最后皮蒂威廉姆斯的表演。他与同事一起年轻恒星兰斯“岩石”霍伊特和Jimm。On this night, which affect needs assessment Jiang radio and television performance of the game Williams most. young stars with his Lance "Rock" Hoyt and Jimm.

尽管法斯托的律师和政府检察官请求能让他在赎罪日假期后主动自首,但霍伊特法官拒绝了这一请求。Although Mr. Fastow 's lawyers government prosecutors asked that he be allowed to surrender voluntarily after the Yom Kippur holiday on Monday, Judge Hoyt refused. Mr.

尽管法斯托的律师和政府检察官请求能让他在赎罪日假期后主动自首,但霍伊特法官拒绝了这一请求。Although Mr. Fastow's lawyers and government prosecutors asked that he be allowed to surrender voluntarily after the Yom Kippur holiday on Monday, Judge Hoyt refused. Mr.

萨奇•豪伊特最近的作品多和板球与足球有关,虽然他曾经广泛研究的领域是拳击以及充满魔力的英雄默罕默德•阿里、弗兰克•布鲁诺和杰克•约翰逊。Recent works of Satch Hoyt have centered on cricket and football, though he also concentrated on boxing, conjuring folk heroes like Muhammad Ali, Frank Bruno, and Jack Johnson.