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而雅加达则从2001年的第77位,上升到了目前的第35位。Jakarta moves up 35 spots from 2001 to 77th.

VOA新闻的南希-艾米利亚-柯林斯从雅加达报道。VOA's Nancy-Amelia Collins in Jakarta has more.

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现在也没有发现火山灰可能飘至雅加达的迹象。Ash may now also found no evidence of drift to Jakarta.

该病例发生于西雅加达的一名35岁男子。The case occurred in a 35-year-old man from West Jakarta.

该病例为一名居住在雅加达的37岁妇女。The case occurred in a 37-year-old woman who resided in Jakarta.

第2例发生于南雅加达一名9岁男童。The second case occurred in a 9-year-old boy from South Jakarta.

第1例发生于中雅加达市一名8岁男童。The first case occurred in an 8-year-old boy from Central Jakarta.

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第一例新确认的病例为来自雅加达的一名16岁女孩。The first newly confirmed case was a 16-year-old girl from Jakarta.

所以不要期望短时间内在雅加达会树一座新的奥巴马塑像。Don’t expect any new statues of Obama to be erected in Jakarta soon.

官员宣称这个从雅加达的车是高速运行的…The train from Jakarta was travelling at high speed, officials said.

而在印尼的第一个项目是建造雅加达到万隆的高铁。The first in Indonesia is the highspeed rail from Jakarta to Bandung.

瑜伽在印尼首都雅加达是广受欢迎的纾压方法。Yoga is a popular stress- buster in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta.

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我姐姐Maya生于雅加达,后来嫁给一个中加混血儿。My sister Maya was born in Jakarta and later married a Chinese-Canadian.

该致命病例发生于南雅加达一名13岁男童。The case, which was fatal, occurred in a 13-year-old boy from South Jakarta.

该组织因雅加达爆炸案而备受指责,其领导人是马来西亚的诺丁·托普。The group blamed for the Jakarta bombings is led by Noordin Top, a Malaysian.

第二例是雅加达省南雅加达一名11岁男子。The second case was an 11-year-old male from South Jakarta, Jakarta Province.

在印尼东爪哇省的加丁噶拉,人们排队索取饮用水。Indonesians queue for drinking water at Jatinegara in east Jakarta February 8, 2007.

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40岁的伊万10多年来一直在雅加达的街头出售面条。Iwan, 40, has been selling noodles on the streets of Jakarta for more than 10 years.

我们在雅加达机场有5间机场贵宾室。There are 5 Jakarta Soekarno Hatta International Airport lounges within our program.

他是东雅加达一个市场的一名香蕉摊贩,在该市场有禽肉出售。He worked as a banana vendor at a market in East Jakarta where poultry meat was sold.