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巴纳比玩这个游戏乔伊斯的刀柄。Barnaby Joyce played this game to the hilt.

巴纳比的爸爸希望他能老老实实地过一辈子。His father had hoped Barnaby might lead a life of dim propriety.

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Barnaby说,国际协议也有助于解决缺水。International agreements also help solve water shortages, says Barnaby.

现在,离异、孤单、没钱的巴纳比必须找到修复往日生活的方法。Now, divorced, deserted, flat broke, Barnaby has to find a way to repair his life.

但是尽管它们之间进行过战争,却从未就水资源开战过。But while they have fought wars with each other, it has not been over water, says Barnaby.

但是,保守派议员巴纳比·乔伊斯说,这名好莱坞女星应该置身于政治之外。However, conservative lawmaker Barnaby Joyce says the Hollywood actress should keep out of politics.

少数反对党国家党的巴纳比·乔伊斯的态度就不那么模棱两可了,他称陆克文的计划就是一个“就业终止计划”。Barnaby Joyce, of the junior opposition National Party, is less ambivalent. He calls Mr Rudd’s plans an “employment-termination scheme”.

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新西兰人类学家巴纳比·迪克森研究发现,女人是否具有吸引力,与腰臀比例有关。A woman's attractiveness relates to the size of her waist compared with her hips, according to New Zealand anthropologist Barnaby Dixson.

小反对党民族党的巴纳比·昭伊斯态度比较明确,并将陆克文总理的计划称为“终结就业的阴谋”。Barnaby Joyce, of the junior opposition National Party, is less ambivalent . He calls Mr Rudd's plans an "employment-termination scheme".

伦敦一所寄宿制学校哈罗公学的校长巴纳比·莱农说,“哈罗公学只招海外申请者就能招满”。Harrow School, a boarding school for boys in London, "could fill itself entirely with overseas applicants, " says Barnaby Lenon, the headmaster.

已经成为澳大利亚反对党领袖人物的乔伊斯认为,中国政府对这桩交易做出的决定应当作为如何对待希望收购澳矿产资源企业股份的中国公司的参照。Already a leading opposition politician, Barnaby Joyce, is pointing to the Coke-Huiyuan decision as an example of how to treat Chinese companies looking to shop in Australia's resources sector.