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我找到数组中的第i个元素。Oh fudge knuckle. OK.

胡说八道了对不对?Double fudge knuckle. All right?

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我们的手指在指关节处弯曲。Our fingers bend at the knuckle.

他拒绝向敌人投降。He refused to knuckle under to the enemy.

拆去连接支撑架到球销的固定夹。Remove the steering knuckle from the strut.

或者像我的小儿子会说的一样,胡说八道。Or as my younger son would say, fudge knuckle.

他不会在他们的压力下屈服的。He would not knuckle down under their pressure.

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技能水准是从非常容易对真正的指关节钉头切断机。Skill levels are from very easy to real knuckle busters.

我给了他一记「黑轮」,而他赏了我一记「拳头三明治」。I gave him a black eye, but he gave me a knuckle sandwich.

温赖特的一个手指关节在下巴上搓来搓去。Wainwright rubbed a knuckle along the surface of his chin.

如果你把指关节贴在地面上打弹子,就会打得更准些。You'll shoot in a truer straight line if you knuckle down.

斯蒂勒普轮蹄支持装配使用刹车卡钳。Stirrup wheel knuckle support assembly using caliper brakes.

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车载转向节臂平台从20米到70米不等。Truck mounted knuckle platforms from 20 meters up to 70 meters.

食品主要特色为德式香肠和德国烤猪肘。Food specialties are home made sausages and crispy pork knuckle.

转向节臂连接器,可360度旋转。Full 360 degree rotation available with knuckle boom connection.

切开裂口在羊腿的关节位置上,将蒜头塞进里面。Make a slit near the knuckle and place the garlic into the slit.

戴维·西曼在一个指关节骨折后又回到阿森纳队的球门前。David Seaman was back in the Arsenal goal after breaking a knuckle.

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你不要老是让步,你妻子不可能对的。You shouldn t knuckle under all the time , your wife cant be right.

日本东方电机,偏心轮,关节轴承传动。Japanese East electrical machinery, Eccentric, Knuckle bearing transmission.

指节Backplates接口的转向节的交叉成员。The Knuckle Backplates interface the steering knuckles to the cross-members.