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所以根本上说来,哈里亚纳邦的男性都是太监,连女人都保护不了。So basically, all Haryana men are Eunuchs. They cant protect their women.

然而,Tanwar希望哈里利亚纳邦的这个项目将为其它项目起到示范作用。Still, Tanwar hopes that the Haryana project will serve as a model for others.

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莱姆从距离新德里100公里的哈里亚纳邦的一个村庄乘公共汽车赶来。Balwan Ram took a bus from a village in Haryana state, 100 kilometers away from Delhi.

这位老翁是哈雅纳邦的一名雇农,这是他的第一个孩子。The elderly man, a landless farmer in Haryana state, is a proud father of his first child.

调查数据显示罪行最重的犯人都来自北部的旁遮普邦和哈里亚纳邦的相对富裕的家庭。The census data shows that the worst offenders are the relatively wealthy northern states of Punjab and Haryana.

随着B超的普及,哈里亚纳人所说的“消灭”变得轻而易举。With the spread of ultrasound machines, what families in Haryana casually call “the wipeout” has become much easier.

昨天是哈里亚纳邦受到震动,今天是北阿肯德邦和喜马偕尔邦发生地震。让我们看看地震什么时候“拜访”北方邦?Yesterday tremors felt in Haryana. Today tremors felt in Jharkhand and Himachal Pradesh. Let us see when tremor visits Uttar Pradesh?

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哈里亚纳邦,旁遮普邦,北方邦和拉贾斯坦邦,选择爱人不慎重,尤其是年轻的女人,经常由不赞成这门婚事的男性亲戚谋杀。In Haryana , Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, incautious lovers, especially young women, are quite often murdered by disapproving male relatives.

在某些地区,比如相对富裕的哈里亚纳邦和旁遮普邦,从比较贫困的邦买新娘已经成为普遍现象。In some parts of the country, like in the relatively wealthy states of Haryana and Punjab, families have been known to buy brides from poorer states.

玛哈图书馆网站是由总部位于印度哈里亚纳邦的网络出版有限公司创建并维护的。Web site of MahaLibrary a collection of Indian laws made freely available online in English by Network Publishing P. Ltd a company based in Haryana , India.

新娘出口成为中国最赚钱行业的日子就要到来。哈里亚纳邦和旁遮普邦也是这种情况。或者说我们也许在竞争世界光棍人口最多城市的头衔。In days to come bride export will be the most lucrative business in China. Same in Haryana and Punjab. Or we may compete for world most bachelor populated cities.

中国最大的商业地产开发商,万达集团与印度哈里亚纳邦签署初步协议。Wanda a Group, China's biggest commercial propertydeveloper, signed a preliminary agreement with the state of Haryana to build anindustrial zone, the company said.

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据法新社报道,印度哈里亚纳邦官员宣布,将为公交车售票员配备“带电钱袋”。“Officials in the Indian state of Haryana announced plans to booby trap bus conductors' money bags so that anyone stealing them gets an electric shock, AFP reported.

例如,在中国和印度中一些最富裕,最开放的地区,如中国南方的广东省和印度北部的哈里亚纳邦,却是此类事件最为高发的地区。It is highest, for example, in some of the richest, most open parts of China and India, such as Guangdong province in southern China and Haryana state in north India.

那些扭曲最严重的邦州如哈利亚纳邦和Punjab,看似从19世纪80年代开始数十年来比例一直在倾斜,现在,它们显示了一些最大的进步。The states with the worst ratios, Haryana and Punjab, seem to have had skewed ratios for decades, going back to the 1880s. They now show some of the biggest improvements.

在印度哈里利亚纳邦进行的这个获得了CDM证书的项目是一个更大的10年社区森林项目的一部分,后者的目标是让成千上万公顷的森林覆盖荒地。The community project, in India's Haryana state, which won the CDM certificate is part of a larger, ten-year community forestry project to provide tree cover in thousands of hectares of wasteland.