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这些皱缩的头在做什么?。What does the shrunken head do?

已故老年痴呆病患者的萎缩大脑A brain from a deceased Alzheimer's patient appears shrunken.

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医生正检查小孩饿瘦了的身躯。The doctor is examining the shrunken body of a starving child.

经过氩氦刀治疗以后,肿瘤只剩下5公分。After treatment of argon-helium knife, tumor was shrunken to 5cm.

即使扩展显示也只能看到一个和缩小传真差不多的效果。Even the expanded screen could deliver only a shrunken facsimile.

又或者他们会变得病弱,翅膀凋萎?Will they grow wan and weak, with withered flanks and shrunken wings?

而SP3代H8株系两性花的花粉粒皱缩、扁瘪、塌陷。But H8 strain's pollen grain of SP3 generation is distorted and shrunken.

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不过前面三个词的缺席道出了美国亮相的减弱。But the absence of the first three speaks to a shrunken American presence.

第一,外资机构需求萎缩,加入世贸组织效应初显。First, foreign institutions shrunken demand, the effect of accession to the WTO own.

她撒娇一般地缩了缩脖子,依在了男人的肩上。Her coquetry general reduction of the shrunken neck, depending on a man's shoulders.

讽刺的是,宇佐美光雄实现缩小微晶片的最大挑战并非技术。Ironically, Usami's biggest challenge in realizing a shrunken microchip was nontechnical.

媚兰躺在床上,床罩底下萎缩单薄的形体就像是个小女孩似的。Melanie lay in the bed, her figure under the counterpane shrunken and flat like a little girl's.

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减弱的浪潮会不会影响沙的运动和近岸的水流,是否可能加重侵蚀?Would shrunken swells affect sand movement and currents near shore, perhaps contributing to erosion?

但是这一合同计划现在也许会小狐仙明显的缩水,或者被推迟。That planned contract could now be significantly shrunken or delayed, said one of the people familiar.

下面这张截取的图片和该款相机那种完整的、不可思议的、高清晰度的原始图片相比,其表现力度是乏力的。This shrunken illustration is a feeble representation of the full, gigantic, high-resolution original.

而若再过一个十亿年,地球的海洋就会被蒸干,那时候的地球就会变成一片荒漠,最多只在极地附近还有一些冰山,液体物质将变成痕量物质,十分宝贵。Earth will become a desert planet, with at most a shrunken polar cap and only traces of precious liquid.

这个框体已经得到了改进,提供了新的功能,并且可以与微缩地图选项一起使用。This frame has been improved to offer new functionality and can be used with the new shrunken map option.

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泰奥菲洛看上去瘦小而干瘪,待他们给他换上新衣新裤后,他似乎愈加瘦瘠了。He looked small and shriveled, and after they dressed him in the new shirt and pants he seemed more shrunken.

据新华社报道,自四月30号,已有超过700条船搁浅在湖州缩拢的河道。Since April 30, more than 700 ships have been stranded in the shrunken waterway in Huzhou, Xinhua News Agency reported.

如果惠特曼是正确的,就意谓著现代冰原已经是过去的缩小版。If Weertman's thinking was correct, it meant that the modern ice sheet was already a shrunken version of its former self.