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大多数植物靠种子繁殖。Most plants propagate by seed.

你能通过修剪架枝来繁殖这个植物。You can propagate it from cuttings.

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这条裂缝只能裂到这种程度。The crack will propagate only to this point.

如果可以繁殖的话当然是很兴奋的事情。It will be very exciting if we can propagate it.

哪一个角色将会传播项目模型?Which role will propagate to the project models?

它形成了起起落落的驻波但是并不传播。Its standing waves rise and fall but do not propagate.

您需要将编辑的内容传播到每个新版本中。You need to propagate the edits over each new version.

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动物和植物病害极迅速传递。Aminal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity.

动植物病害传播极快。Animal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity.

人类是通过有性生殖来繁衍同类的。Human beings propagate their species by sexual reproduction,

道家崇尚自然无为,强调美与真的统一。And Taoists propagate nature and the harmony of beauty and truth.

格林傢有十个孩子,他们可真能生!The Greens have ten babies. They actually propagate like rabbits.

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此外,郭德怀也时常利用其作品宣传其社会观点。In addition, Kwee also use his works to propagate his social views.

快波和慢波都可以在这种波导中传播。The fast and slow waves can both propagate in the waveguide system.

因此,我们需要使用另外的技术来向下传播。We would need to use another technology to propagate it downstream.

我们要反对主观主义,就要宣传唯物主义,就要宣传辩证法。To combat subjectivism we must propagate materialism and dialectics.

他们喜欢独居在野外,也以这样的方式繁衍着后代。They like the isolation out in the wild for this is how they propagate.

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分级梯状波往往是以横波或驻波传播。A scalar wave tends to propagate as a transverse wave or a standing wave.

当然如果他太过于热衷冒险,也可能会完全丧失传播基因的机会。Ofcourse, if you take too many risks, you don't get to propagate yourgenes.

毕竟,仅仅有性的需求就可以很容易的事我们的物种得到繁衍。After all, we could easily propagate the species just with our sexual urges.