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并且一些事情也具有迷惑性And there's something puzzling.

“范·奥曼”是一个令人费解的姓氏。The name "Van Orman" is puzzling.

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可能有人会对此感到很疑惑Now, this may be puzzling to people.

我有这样的经历,这真是一次纠结的体验。I have, and it was a puzzling experience.

英语的拼写法常常使人伤脑筋。The spelling of English is often puzzling.

他坐在那里对着古老的希伯来文本大伤脑筋。He sits puzzling over ancient Hebrew texts.

但是,现在我们遇见了新的东西──他们又令人费解。But now we come upon something new -- and puzzling.

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偶然同一性是很令人迷惑的The notion of contingent identity is very puzzling.

他们正在对新比赛规则大伤脑筋。They are puzzling through the new rules of the game.

在你们审视这个世界时,什么让你们感到困惑?What do they observe in the world and find puzzling?

她几个星期也琢磨不透他那封奇怪的来信。She's been puzzling over his strange letter for weeks.

她几星期也琢磨不透他那封奇怪的来信。She's been puzzling over the strange letter for weeks.

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那个国家的局势更使人捉摸不定。The situation in that country is more puzzling than ever.

我们在苦思越过这座山的最佳路径。We are puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.

但是,律师丹·坦奇只用了一天的时间就将“史密斯密码”破解了。But the lawyer, Dan Tench, cracked it after a day of puzzling.

这是一个令人迷惑的描述,仍然让我感到一点儿困惑。It was a puzzling remark and still leaves me a little puzzled.

在生物灭绝方式上,还存在令人迷惑的异常现象。There are also puzzling anomalies in the pattern of extinction.

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她来到办公室时还在为这个问题而感到困惑。She was still puzzling over this problem when she reached the office.

蒙在鼓里的韩疏影不知怎么就被送回了家,大家也莫名其妙。In the darks thin film somehow was sent home, everybody also puzzling.

身为新人律师,成步堂解决了众多谜题般的案件。Just a rookie lawyer, Wright as he solves a variety of puzzling cases.