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你回到了一个完整的舒适的状态。You return to a state of wholeness and ease.

我希望他能够健健康康的,完整无缺。I wished for him to find health and wholeness.

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我只能在一体性、合一性、整体性中被体认到。I am only realized in oneness, unity, and wholeness.

创作者与创作融成完整的喜悦。The creator and creation merge into wholeness of joy.

不再相互依赖的爱,需要从内在出现完整。Non-codependent love requires wholeness to emerge within.

深刻,铭记在心,记忆的深度组成了我们的世界,给我们的生活以持久和完整。Depth roots us in the world, gives life substance and wholeness.

我们必须体会,福音是多麽广大,多麽完整。We must come away with the wholeness or largeness of the gospel.

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太阳和月亮在一起所代表的原则是完整无缺。The principle represented by the Sun and Moon together is wholeness.

从而,在其立基与开端处,"个体"生命原则具有整全性。In the rooting and the opening, the individual owns its own wholeness.

他减轻你器官的水肿,修复你身上的缺陷和瑕疵。It reduces the edema and restores the part to wholeness and perfection.

每一天,宽恕那些伤害你使你无法完整的人。Forgive, daily, those who caused the wounds that keep you from wholeness.

利用飘窗下的空间放置暖气,增加了空间的完整性。Place radiator below the window sill to increase the wholeness of the space.

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它使我们成为完整的人,给我们一种整体感,使我们得以平安度过一生。It completes us, gives us the wholeness we need to navigate safely through life.

高师钢琴教学模式的转变呈现出从单一性走向整体性的趋势。Therefore, the teaching mode of piano takes on changing from oneness to wholeness.

这是一种幻想破灭的,不自然的,讽刺的,拯救和完整的希望。It's a disillusioned and self-consciously ironic promise of salvation, of wholeness.

红族的教导似乎忆起了整体性和所有生命内的内在连通。Red teachings seem to remember the wholeness and inter- connectedness of all of life.

那些残疾人对失去的那部分身体已无能为力,但是在精神上他们却是完整健康的。That wholeness has nothing to do with missing parts and everything to do with spirit.

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正是通过自我的混杂,教师才可能重塑完整的自我认同。It is by this hybridity that teachers are able to reclaim the wholeness of their lives.

存在分析学强调人的在世之在,关注人的整体性。The theory emphasizes humans being-in-the-world, showing concerns for humans wholeness.

于是,我感受到与光相随的整体,感觉一切都在同我及宇宙在一起。So I felt a wholeness with the light, a sense that all is right with me and the universe.