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拉登的尸体在一次简单的交火后便被美军获取。Bin Laden's body was retrieved after a brief firefight.

我差点在苏伊士运河以内的一场交火中丧生。I was nearly killed in a firefight inside the Suez Canal.

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那是一个挨千刀的英国军官——钢盔都没戴就站在火线中间。British officer—standing up in the middle of firefight the without a helmet.

2003年,在一次与美军的交火中,这对兄弟都被打死了。In 2003, after an intense firefight with U.S. forces, both brothers were killed.

他说,美军在交火后打死了拉登,并掌握了他的尸体。He said U.S. forces killed bin Laden after a firefight and took custody of his body.

我单位在扎卡维支持的武装分子在交火持续了近八个小时。My unit fought Zarqawi-backed insurgents in a firefight that lasted almost eight hours.

警方说,当枪战爆发的时候,阿斯万·卢特法拉正在附近修理他的汽车。Police say Aswan Lutfalla was having his car repaired when a firefight broke out nearby.

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一个美国战斗机滴在塔利班的立场,在前哨巴里阿莱交火期间的炸弹。A US fighter jet drops bombs at Taliban positions during a firefight at Outpost Bari Alai.

在邻州的博尔诺州,警察和一群年轻的男子之间爆发了一场枪击。In neighboring Borno state, a firefight broke out between police and a group of young men.

已完成「海岸公路」,并解除「最后出口枪林弹雨」任务的锁定。Complete Coastal Highway on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new Firefight mission.

那是一个挨千刀的英国军官——钢盔都没戴就站在火线中间。It was a goddam British officer—standing up in the middle of firefight the without a helmet.

致电的是一名医生,他的病人经历了一场枪林弹雨后变得胆小畏缩,躲在小屋里不肯出来了。His patient had just been through a firefight and now was cowering under acot, refusing to come out.

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根据美国官员的描述,本.拉登负隅顽抗,在交火中被击毙。According to the officials, Osama bin Laden resisted the assault force and was killed in a firefight.

最初,美国官员说打死本拉登时基地组织的头头也参加了交战。Originally, officials said the al-Qaeda chief had "participated" in a firefight when he was shot dead.

两名绝地在交火中丧生,而杰恩和其余的绝地则击溃了罗舒·苏内武装人员。Two Jedi were killed in the firefight before Jeng and the remaining Jedi neutralized the Roshu Sune fighters.

美军士兵开火朝着一个塔利班在一个前哨巴里阿莱,在库纳尔交火位置60毫米迫击炮弹。US soldiers fire 60mm mortar rounds toward a Taliban position during a firefight at Outpost Bari Alai in Kunar.

事实上,外国记者所驻班加西旅馆的外围已经发生交火。Indeed, there was a firefight on Sunday right outside the hotel in Benghazi where foreign journalists are staying.

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阿里说,紧接着,在基地外的一场抗议演变成了基地内外之间的激烈交火。Then, says Ali, a protest outside the base turned into an intense firefight between those outside and those inside.

4月25日,在泰国素林府巴萨县,一名带着孩子撤离交火区的村民在避难所休息。April 25, in Thailand, Surin Bassa county, a firefight with children evacuated villagers in the refuge area to rest.

实质性的变化在白宫决定停止曝光双方交火的细节之后才出现。The substantial change in the story came after the White House decided to stop providing details about the firefight.