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通过皮肤上的毛孔排泄汗液。To excrete perspiration through the pores of the skin.

受感染家禽将病毒分泌或排泄到它们的唾液或粪便中。Infected poultry excrete virus in their secretions and faeces.

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喝对帮忙的350-500毫升温暖的水排泄毒素后疗法。To drink 350-500ml warm water to help excrete toxins after treatment.

好像我是羞耻的事实,人们都知道的事实,我排泄。As if I was ashamed of the fact that people would know the fact that I excrete.

如果辅助体力劳动,肾上腺素会同汗水一起排出。If assisting some physical work, the epinephrine will excrete out with thje sweat.

这是因为肾脏是钠、钾、氯的主要排泄场所。Because the kidney is, this is sodium, Potassium, chloric basically excrete a place.

也可以把它们喂给基因改性过的细菌直接生产出柴油汽油组分。Or they can be fed to gene-altered bacteria that will excrete diesel or gasoline components.

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它们能够分泌出一种粘性的物质,并且可以运用这种天然胶来修复锚固粘结。They excrete a sticky adhesive and they can use that natural glue to repair the anchoring bond.

前列腺素对抗加压素的强弱取决于钠分泌的多少。Prostaglandins counteract the actions of vasopressin and influence of how much sodium we excrete.

蓝绿藻排泄出碳酸盐,形成圆顶状结构,从而生成叠层石。Stromatolites are formed by blue-green algae that excrete carbonate to form a dome-like structure.

我们吃药后,会排泄出我们身体吸收不了的药物成分到供水系统。Drugs get into the water supply when we take pills and excrete amounts that our bodies don't absorb.

但是,有时身体可能产生大量的尿酸或者肾脏排除的尿酸减少。But sometimes the body either produces too much uric acid or the kidneys excrete too little uric acid.

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方法之一是尽量减少浓度是要始终确保您有足够的水来排泄。One way of minimizing the concentration is to always be sure that you have plenty of water to excrete.

冻豆腐。能吸收肠胃道脂肪,且帮助脂肪排泄。Frozen bean curd. Can absorb intestines and stomach the path is adipose, and the help is adipose excrete.

许多微生物能合成并分泌一些对其它微生物具选择性毒力的化合物。Many microorganisms synthesize and excrete compounds which are selectively toxic to other microorganisms.

其中一个初始的细菌经历了一次变异,分泌出了一种有机化学物质乙酸酯。One of the original bugs had undergone a mutation that caused it to excrete acetate, an organic chemical.

其中有一个初始的细菌经历了一次变异,使它分泌出了一种有机化学物质乙酸酯。One of the original bugs had undergone a mutation that caused it to excrete acetate , an organic chemical.

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黄芩苷降低肝铁水平可能的原因,是和铁形成螯合物后排泄出体外。The possible reason of baicalin reducing liver iron was to form baicalin-iron complex and excrete from body.

使用时应同时给予等量碳酸氢钠碱化尿液,以利药物排出。Equal amount of sodium bicarbonate should be administered to alkalize urine in order to excrete the medicine.

在服食和吸收药片后,我们的身体会以尿液和排泄物的方式排出它们的代谢产物。After swallowing and digesting medicines, our bodies excrete metabolized versions of them through urine and feces.