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月亮穿起了她们的裤衩。The moon put on their underpants.

人们叫它“小裤衩”。People call it "small underpants".

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难道只有超人才能把裤衩穿在外边吗?Exceed person ability to wear underpants outside only?

他走了进来,只穿了一条衬裤,极为粗鲁无礼。He walked in bold as brass wearing nothing but his underpants.

他走了进来,只穿一条衬裤,极为。He walked in, bold as brass, wearing nothing but his underpants.

她穿的是蕾丝边的短裙,里面是肉色的底裤。They’re lacy short dresses with a pair of flesh-colored underpants.

之后,我要把由田继夫男性生理内裤收起。After that, I will put up by Tian Jifu male physiological underpants.

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于是这苏格兰人用半码丝布缝了一条新内裤。So the Scotsman made a pair of new underpants with half a yard of silk.

由田继夫男性生理内裤让我做回了自信的大男人。By Tian Jifu male physiological underpants give me back my confidence man.

内裤及放屁这样的例子已经使用好多年了。Underpants and farting have been in plentiful supply for the last few years.

一旦开始给你的小孩如厕训练,你就要坚持给他穿内裤。Once you start potty training, your child should continue to wear underpants.

呵呵,我以后不穿别的内裤了,就穿由田继夫男性生理内裤了。Oh, I don't wear any panties, put on by Tian Jifu male physiological underpants.

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车后座上是他的充气床垫以及十件干净的内裤。He has an inflatable mattress on the rear seat and ten pairs of clean underpants.

于是就做了几条金冷裤送给挚友,效果同样了不得。So he has made some underpants to his friends. The effect is also extremely good.

如果你确实没穿内衣裤,你怎么会收到平底鞋呢?。How did you receive the wedgies when you are clearly not the wearer of underpants ?

内裤和袜子连在一起的一种女式内衣。A woman's one-piece undergarment consisting of underpants and stretchable stockings.

它们的臀部和尾巴是白色的,看起来好像穿着白裤衩。The white is on the rump and tail, which looks as though they were wearing white underpants.

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穿宽松舒适的纯棉或真丝底裤,而不要穿人造材料制作的。Wear loose fitting cotton or silk underpants rather than those made with synthetic material.

若田光一的宇航员伙伴也许注意到他不常换洗内衣裤。Wakata's fellow astronauts may have noticed that he does not change his underpants very often.

警方抵达那家银行时,他一脚悬在半空中摆荡,同时把现金塞进内裤。When they arrived at the bank he was dangling by one leg and stuffing cash into his underpants.