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她伸出了年迈粗糙的手。Her knobbly old hand was outstretched.

他腿很细,膝盖呈圆球状突出。He has very thin legs and knobbly knees.

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哈利长着一张瘦瘦的疙瘩脸,黑黑的头发,亮蓝色的眼睛。Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair, and bright green eyes.

居然其中还有一根棍子,据说是用来在老师不注意时打人用的。They also carried knobbly sticks, used for hitting each other while the teachers weren't looking.

不过你怎么能指望一个象弗农那样的人能成器,因为他所受到的教育就是拿着节棍子去欺负人?But what can you expect from a man like Vernon, whose school taught their pupils to hit people with knobbly sticks?

菊芋的球根口感酥软,拥有自然风味,很适合用来烘烤或用砂锅炖煮。The best of root vegetables Knobbly roots of Jerusalem artichokes have a delicate, earthy flavour that's a great match for roasts and casseroles.

竹,茎中空,真而有节,其性坚韧,虽弯不折,叶四季常青,隆冬不凋,比之为树中君子。Bamboo, hollow, true and stem, the sexual tenacity, knobbly bending not fold, although midwinter amaranth, evergreen leaves, than for tree a gentleman.

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他们还配了一支多节的手杖,趁老师不注意时用来互相打斗,这也许是对未来生活的一种很好的训练吧。They also carried knobbly sticks, used for hitting each other while the teachers weren't looking. This was supposed to be good training for later life.

由苏铁类植物产生的一种类型的根,根瘤中含有共生的固氮蓝细菌,使根形成珊瑚状的有节的形状。Coralloid roots A type of root regularly produced by cycads, which contains symbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in root nodules, giving the roots a knobbly coral-like appearance.

“要么忍受要么闭嘴”,他告诉萨科齐和其他人,巴罗佐争辩说他愿意改变取缔不新鲜的蔬菜水果的有关规定,但是当局不允许。"Put up or shut up, " he told Sarko and the rest, arguing that he would like to change the rules outlawing knobbly cucumbers or wobbly bananas, but national leaders wouldn't let him.