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解冻文件系统。Unfreeze the file system.

微波炉需要花一点时间才能将温度调到足够解冻它。It takes the microwave time to warm up your dinner enough to unfreeze it.

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所有这些进展都可以把稀缺资源解放出来,去满足其他迫切的需求。All these developments would unfreeze scarce resources for other pressing needs.

随着全球金融体系开始解冻,出口行业的急剧收缩仍有希望改善。The sharp contraction of export could also improve as the global financial system start to unfreeze.

美联储最终会不会采取更加激进的措施来解救已经凝固的信贷市场?Will the Fed’s ever more aggressive efforts to unfreeze the credit markets finally start getting somewhere?

当利比亚的资产解冻时,某些人会突然成为亿万富翁。By the time they unfreeze libya's assets and money, some people somewhere will become overnight billionaires.

卡梅伦表示,所有国家已经同意向联合国请求解冻所有利比亚资产。Mr Cameron said all countries had agreed to ask the United Nations for permission to unfreeze all Libyan assets.

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在国外想要解冻信用卡要麻烦得多,特别是你的手机没开通国际通话服务的时候。Overseas, it can be much more of a hassle to unfreeze a card, especially if you don’t have a cellphone with international service.

西伯利亚的永久冻元带会解冻,并给冰层包裹的生物体带来生命的复苏,真是难以置信啊”。You can unfreeze the permafrost in Siberia and bring things back to life that have been encased in ice for a million years, so who knows?

为让信贷活动解冻、在出口需求减缓之际提振内需,亚洲各经济体政府都匆忙降息.中国本周宣布调降利率1.08个百分点,马来西亚周一也降息25个基点,为五年来首次降息.Policymakers across Asia have scrambled to cut interest rates to unfreeze credit lines and boost domestic demand at a time when demand for exports is slowing.

政府为这两大抵押贷款融资机构提供援助,可能会为信贷市场解冻,让银行重又开始贷出资金.The move to provide federal backing for the country's two biggest mortgage finance companies holds the potential to unfreeze the credit markets and get banks lending again.

上周星期五,就在各国领导人均赞成解冻利比亚数十亿的资金以帮助该国过渡政府的重建工作的第二天,土耳其宣布恢复与利比亚外交关系。Turkey reopened its embassy in Libya on Friday, a day after world leaders agreed to unfreeze billions of dollars of Libyan assets to help the country's interim government rebuild.

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因为任务由多个线程组成,使用IPC机制的代码又被放在线程内部,所以Mach可在消息处理前后冻结和解冻线程。Since tasks consisted of multiple threads, and it was the code in the threads that used the IPC mechanism, Mach was able to freeze and unfreeze threads while the message was handled.

为了帮紧缩的信贷市场解冻,7国政府应该会同意让不同国家的银行之间互相拆借,这就需要央行为双方牵头。To unfreeze the credit markets, the G7 governments could have agreed to underwrite lending between banks across national borders, by using central banks to act as joint counterparties.

白宫表示,尽管联邦政府采取了大刀阔斧的措施帮助金融机构化解冻结了的信贷市场,但是经济增长和创造就业依然面临困难。The White House says the U.S. economy is struggling to grow and generate jobs, despite aggressive steps taken by the federal government to prop up financial institutions and unfreeze tight credit.

美国银行业危机没有出现任何缓和的迹象,虽然联邦政府投入了数千亿美元,力图支撑处于困境中的金融机构并解冻紧缩的信贷市场。America's banking crisis shows few signs of subsiding, despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent by the federal government to prop up struggling financial institutions and unfreeze tight credit.