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新法例广获赞同。The new laws gained widespread acceptance.

全息摄影将得到普及。Holographic cameras will become widespread.

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弯曲杆菌病是一种普遍的感染。Campylobacteriosis is a widespread infection.

干旱导致广泛的缺粮。The drought translated into widespread hunger.

暴雨使洪水泛滥成灾。The excessive rains caused widespread flooding.

目前,这两种技术在滇西北的普及率都很高。Both are very widespread in Northwest Yunnan now.

事实上,过去,这种情况在阿尔卑斯地区也十分普遍。Indeed, the problem used to be widespread in the Alps.

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黄斑恶化正在成为一个普遍的问题。Macular degeneration is becoming a widespread problem.

硅烷已经开发完备,具有广泛的应用。Silanes are well established and enjoy widespread use.

氯化法在实践中已得到广泛应用。The practice of chlorination has become so widespread.

这种苍鹭在北美分布最广,而且个头最大。The largest and most widespread heron in North America.

这就是槌球作为一种家庭运动广泛流行的原因。This is why croquet became widespread as a family game.

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广泛的投资和教育是必须的。Widespread investment and education would be necessary.

回溯往昔,人们曾普遍对第二次经济大萧条感到恐惧。Back then, fears of a second Depression were widespread.

一天,寡妇被一种普遍的病毒感染了。One day, the widow was affected by a widespread disease.

借记卡的广泛应用,也促使了扒窃的消失。The widespread use of debit cards hasn't helped, either.

没有对内容进行大面积过滤的报道。There are no reports of widespread filtering of content.

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城乡差别遍及整个衣阿华州。Urban-rural differences were widespread throughout Iowa.

但目前没有大规模财产损失的报告。But there were no immediate reports of widespread damage.

这些希望受挫,造成了广泛的愤怒。The thwarting of those hopes has led to widespread anger.