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在仪表板,可能会在一个或两个颜色。The facia may come in one or two colours.

客户还可以选择四个不同类型的仪表板,按版和装饰水平。Customers can also choose from four different types of facia according to version and trim level.

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选项包括一个个高品质的内饰,仪表板,以及横纹真皮装饰板。Options include a top-quality interior with seats, facia and panels trimmed in grosgrain leather.

1993年以来,应用阔筋膜张肌腱膜转位术治疗臀肌挛缩症102例,治疗效果满意。Since 1993, transposition of tensor facia lata was practiced in 102 cases. The results were good.

活动的最高潮还是各部的才艺展示,由被抽中的人模仿一些著名笑星的招牌动作。The climax is approaching, that is to show your acqierements and imitate some famous actors ' facia action.

这款车的与众不同的外观来自对仪表板,内饰板和复合材料的广泛使用。The car's distinctive look comes from extensive use of composite materials on the facia and interior panels.

内饰经过更新,驾驶座前有修改过的工具箱,还有全新顶级的转速表。The interior is updated with a revised instrument pack placed in front of the driver and a new top roll to the facia.

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从系统被开启的时点起安装在汽车挡泥板上的装置会通过仪表板上红黄绿三种颜色的灯告诉司机他们的驾驶情况。From that point, red, yellow and green LEDs on the facia of a dashboard-mounted box told the drivers how they were faring.

甚至在盘面的下面的仪表也被有花纹和拉丝结尾的金属盘固定住,Earl向人们表示,任何的细节都不会被忽略掉的。Even underneath the dash, the gauges were sealed in by a contoured metal facia with brushed finish, assuring by Earl that no detail would go unnoticed.

外形方面有全新的车头及车灯设计,内部在司机与乘客的位置安装了安全气囊。Externally, there is a new front end treatment with new front lights while internally, a new facia allows the installation of driver and passenger airbags.

可真正地道的那就要说这名震京都的老字号——奶酪魏了,现如今经营这奶酪魏的是魏家的第四代传人了。As the most famous old facia in Beijing, Cheese Wei, which has been handed down to the 4th generation, is really unadulterated among these stores currently.

在经过长达三年的版权争夺战后,俄罗斯方块花落任天堂,成为后者游戏机上的招牌游戏,仅正版的gameboy版本就售出3000万份。After three years' fight on the copyright, the Tetris finally belonged to the nintendo and become the facia game, and the original edition had sold out for 30 million pieces.

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目的探讨带筋膜外踝前动脉蒂外踝骨膜骨瓣的解剖学特点和临床应用价值。Objective To investigate the anatomical character and clinical application value of external malleolus periosteum bone flap pedicled with facia and external malleolus anterior artery.

介绍了一种用于确定由方向盘的轮缘、轮辐及轮毂所形成的在仪表板上的盲区的作图方法。This paper describes a graphical method for determining the blind area on the facia board of the passenger cars caused by obstruction of the rim. spiders and hub of the steering-wheel.