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这是几股毛线?两股。What ply is this wool?two- ply.

船只在靠近海岸的水域往返航行。Ships ply the waters near the coast.

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那些班船定期往返于格拉斯哥与纽约之间。The ships ply between Glasgow and New York.

色彩明艳的船只往来于岛屿之间。The brightly-coloured boats ply between the islands.

这和其他男人完全不同,那些人总是一杯一杯地给你灌酒。So different to all the guys that ply you with rioja.

这些是往返香港和澳门间的渡轮。These are ferries that ply between Hong Kong and Macao.

研究了正交铺设层合板的蠕变失稳问题。A creep buckling analysis of cross ply laminated plates is given.

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该公司的两艘豪华邮轮将从明年起在亚洲地区提供定期往返服务。Both of the company's luxury liners will ply the region next year.

一对侧壁包括部分胎体帘布层结构。The pair of sidewalls comprises part of the carcass ply structure.

在这里,我们是固化与涤纶帆布剥离层作为最后的层。Here we are curing with Dacron sail cloth peel ply as the last layer.

工人们得不到可以一直在一个工种中不断锤炼技术的保证。The workers have no guarantee that they can continue to ply their skills.

本文讲述一种火灾报警器电源设计。This paper introduces a design of one power sup- ply of fire annunciator.

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用大量珠玉贿赂他,赠送美女讨好他。Present him generous gifts of pearls and jade, ply him with beautiful women.

这些层数与铺放技术和我所用的直径车架管直径协同工作。These ply counts work with the layup techniques and frame tube diameters I've used.

刷底油。将醇酸清漆均匀刷在墙面上,厚度适中。Brush bottom oil. Brush alcoholic acid varnish equably go up in metope, ply moderate.

假定各铺层是横观各向同性的,但其铺设方向可以是任意的。Each ply is assumed to be transversely isotropic, but its ply angle may be arbitrary.

刀片建立了覆盖层的叠层胶织物覆硬木和松树。Blades built up laminated hardwood and pine with ply covering overlain by glued fabric.

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“因为你没有找到和你的社会地位相同的人来实施你的诡计?”他粗俗笑道。"Because you found none of your social level to ply your wiles on?" he laughed harshly.

船舵上的一块钢质前翼折断了,与它连接的舵板裂开了,有一半随海水漂走了。A steel pinion snapped and its attached marine ply then broke, half of it to float away.

强捻股线是制织真丝重绉的一种简便有效的线型。Hard twist ply yarn is a simple and effective type of yarn for weaving heavy silk crepe.