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你怎么能通过电波将东西传输过去?How could you transmit that amount of bandwidth over the airwaves?

因此,在这里“谁主宰了无线电波,谁就是赢家”,他解释说。As a result, those who "rule the airwaves are the winners," he explains.

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一种新一代的无线宽带,将取代它来让无线电波无处不在。The airwaves will instead be paved with a new generation of wireless broadband.

同时他相信,未来我们或许甚至能够通过电波发送真实的香吻。In time, he believes, we may even be able to send virtual kisses over the airwaves.

广告商弄脏了电台和电视的大气电波,污染游人的视觉。Advertisers muddy the airwaves of radio and television and pollute the view of travelers.

是啊,如果雷鬼能出现在北达科他的广播中,它也能传遍各地!Yup, if reggae could make it onto the airwaves in North Dakota, it could make it anywhere!

还有一些足球队的消息,都是一些值得播报的令人振奋的新闻。a little bit of a soccer team and um, that was, that was exciting to be over the airwaves.

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电波拥塞的问题没有其他几个障碍严重,但仍会降低通信速度。Congested airwaves are less problematic than other chokepoints, but they still slow service.

在1981年电视音乐第一次抨击电视,但是播送电视音乐这个想法和电视它自己一样老。MTV first hit the airwaves in 1981, but the idea of televised music is as old as television itself.

一些电台不通过公共波段广播所以他们没有必要遵守联邦通讯委员会的规定。Some stations do not broadcast over the public airwaves so they do not have to follow F.C.C. rules.

它会修谈到无限信号并且会显示找到的任何在公共无线网络里传输的数据。It sniffs the airwaves and displays whatever data it finds being transmitted in the public hot spot.

一些广播站不通过公共电视频道播放,所以他们不需要遵守F。Some stations do not broadcast over the public air waves airwaves , so they do not have to follow FCC F.

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特雷西说,他从未见过像奥巴马这样成功地在电波里占有相应的压倒优势。Tracey said he has never seen anything like Obama's success and corresponding dominance of the airwaves.

就连中国电视的播音员也不知如何报道了,电波中只有寂静。Even the announcers on Chinese television didn't know what to say, letting silence wash over the airwaves.

肯德基的管理人员已经依照联邦传播委员会的命令撤下违例的电视广告。In compliance with the FCC's orders, KFC executives have pulled the offending ads from television airwaves.

国家安全方面的**会频繁地找私人媒体的编辑“谈话”,或者屏蔽有些多余的电波。State-security officers frequently reprimanded editors, or summarily banned unwanted voices from the airwaves.

总理阿披实·维乍集瓦周日通过无线电台呼吁受到影响地区的民众要有耐性。Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva took to the airwaves Sunday, urging people in the affected area to be patient.

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当电视台要把组合视频信号经由无线电波广播出去时,要先把它调制到特定频率的载波上。When a composite video signal is broadcast over the airwaves by a TV station, it happens on a specific frequency.

手机中使用的新款芯片运算速度将更快,而且明年即将推出的新无线互联技术则将大幅提升无线网络的连接速度。New chips will speed processing, and new wireless technology coming next year will make the airwaves less crowded.

往常被钳制的中国媒体得到允许,能够通过电视广播自由报导地震新闻。The normally muzzled Chinese press has been freed by the information ministry to saturate the airwaves with quake coverage.