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我的名字是杰克斯派洛船长。My name is Captain Jack Sparrow.

噌的一声飞上了树。The sparrow whizzed up into a tree.

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一些苹果击中了他的脑袋。Corking its head is a little sparrow.

山沟沟里飞出花雀雀。The ravine flew out of sparrow finch.

那支麻雀飞落在附近旳树枝上。The sparrow alighted on a nearby branch.

杰克·斯派洛也不知道他自己在找什么。Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants.

麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。The sparrow may be small, fully-equipped.

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上帝自然哪里都知道,甚至是燕雀窝。God knows where even a sparrow calls home.

因为你,杰克•斯派洛才得到自由。By your efforts, Jack Sparrow was set free.

麻雀在泥浴后用喙整理羽毛。The sparrow plumed itself after a mud bath.

这是小麻雀在追啄猎人。It was the sparrow pecking at the sportsmen.

窗台上有一只羽毛未丰的小麻雀。A small unfledged sparrow on the window sill.

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杰克·斯佩罗船长会在第三部中获救吗?Will Captain Jack Sparrow be rescued in part 3?

我是杰克·斯派洛船长。独此一家,如假包换。I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. The original. The only!

小晴双手捧着那只受伤的小麻雀。Xiao Qing held the wounded sparrow in both hands.

这就证明了就算杰克·斯派洛也不能战胜那个魔鬼。Turns out not even Jack Sparrow can best the devil.

麻雀在树枝上憩息了一会儿。The sparrow perched on the branch for a moment or two.

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麻雀可怜孔雀拖着沉重的尾巴。The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the barden of its tail.

麻雀因孔雀驮著翎尾而替它担忧。The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail.

事实上,金燕子是一个好例子,去“麻雀猴子”。In fact, Golden Sparrow is a good example of a "Sparrow Monkey".