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杨梅是我的家乡的特殊产品。Red bayberry is my hometown's special product.

我的家乡是红月桂果欧元的特殊产品。Red bayberry is my hometown's special product.

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杨梅可以做药引吗?有什么功效?Can red bayberry do medicine bring? What effect is there?

于是我就怀念起杨梅酒来。I therefore began to cherish the memory of bayberry wine.

我想到第一次喝的杨梅酒。I could not help recalling the first time I drank bayberry wine.

若为寄与江南客,枉是杨梅忆庚郎。If the send-off with the South, in vain is the bayberry G Lang Yi.

杨梅对胃黏膜有一定的刺激作用,故溃疡病患者要慎食。Bayberry has some of the gastric stimulation, it should be Shensi ulcer patients.

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马涧杨梅,历史悠久,早在新石器时代就有野生栽培。Red bayberry cultivating in Majian has a long history, as early as Neolithic Age.

含酸量较高的杨梅原汁比较适合酿造半干红型的杨梅果酒。The red bayberry juice with high acid content is fit for brewing semi-dry red wine.

水果样本中桑椹和杨梅花色素含量最高。Among the fruit samples, anthocyanidins were the richest in mulberry and red bayberry.

秋天,杨梅树叶铺着地面和那所平房,童话般的景象。Autumn, red bayberry leaves covered with the ground and the cottage, fairy tale picture.

坠落的杨梅敲打在那所破瓦房的瓦上,为这场景增添了一分恐惧。Fall red bayberry in the broken beat tile-roofed house tile, as this scene added a fear.

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研究了毛杨梅栲胶的磺甲基化改性方法。The method of sulfomethylation modification of bayberry tannin extract was investigated.

拿来三只小碗,倒上小旭从大理带回来的梅子酒。In three petite bowls I poured the bayberry wine Little Xu bought in Dali of Yunnan Province.

结果显示,乌紫、炭梅、荸荠等品种的杨梅汁抗氧化能力较强。The results showed that bayberry juices of Wuzi, Tanmei, Biqi had strong antioxidant capacities.

本场生产的冰杨梅,均采自本地的优质天然杨梅。The field of production of ice Yangmei, are taken from the local high-quality natural red bayberry.

成熟的杨梅以它那鲜艳的色泽和诱人的风味而得到消费者的广泛喜爱。The deep red color and appealing flavor of the mature bayberry make this juicy fruit favored by consumers.

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杨梅发酵酒和杨梅清果汁经复配制成低度杨梅果酒。Low alcohol red bayberry wine made from red bayberry fermentation wine and its juice was studied in this paper.

去年夏天在浙江,喝杨梅酒,品雁荡山,游楠溪江,今年的夏天我在哪?Last summer in Zhejiang, drank red bayberry wine, tasted Yandangshan, swam Naxi River, this year's summer where am I?

不同成熟度杨梅果实制成的杨梅汁中类黄酮化合物含量变化也较为显著。The variation of flavonoids contents in juices processed from bayberry fruits in different maturities was significant.