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她的讲话冒犯了我们大家。Her speech affronted all of us.

她被他的行为冒犯了。She was affronted at his conduct.

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他深为她的粗野所触怒。He felt deeply affronted at her rudeness.

但是约翰侮辱校长是一个做作的人。But John affronted him, saying the principal was an affected man.

公主真的生气所发生的事情和侮辱敌人。Princess was really angry for what had happened and affronted enemy.

他冒犯可用原始的,最初的象征的一切东西吗?I've come to be affronted by anything which can be symbolized by initials.

西方明星如觉得被冒犯,应想想他们的中国同行。And affronted western stars should spare a thought for their Chinese counterparts.

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一旦你清楚了解这点,你将较少感受到别人的侮辱,即使他们恶言相向也一样。Once you clearly understand this , you will be less likely to feel affronted by others , even if they revile you.

这主要是因为这些站在前沿的国家对于这个正在迅速发展的邻居小心翼翼的约束。That's mainly because the affronted countries are reacting with wary restraint towards their burgeoning neighbour.

这是一次危机,但无声无息,主要是因为其它利益攸关国正以谨慎的克制来应对他们的飞速发展的邻居。It's a crisis, but a quiet one. That's mainly because the affronted countries are reacting with wary restraint towards their burgeoning neighbour.

摆脱亏损之后,银行家似乎感到,政治家或监管机构可能干涉他们管理自身事务,是对他们的冒犯。Having off-loaded their losses, bankers seem affronted by the idea that politicians or regulators might interfere in the way they run their affairs.

在这些案例中,我们看到了人们是如何做出损人不利己的事情,他们浪费稀缺的资源仅仅为了惩罚羞辱他们的人。In it, we see ample proof that people are willing to cut off their nose to spite their face, often expending scarce resources to punish those who have affronted them.

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圣地项目矗立在耶路撒冷市西边山坡上,那四幢一排的高楼大厦划破天际,高耸入云,大多数耶路撒冷人每当举目眺望这道风景都觉得难以启齿。Many Jerusalemites feel affronted each time they look up at the Holyland Project, a string of four high-rise buildings tearing through the skyline on the western hilltops edging the city.

多数公民──甚至可能绝大多数公民──不会被学校的祷告或读圣经所冒犯这一点,在很大程度上与宪法裁决无关。The fact that a majority of citizens – even perhaps a large majority – may not be affronted by prayer in the school or Bible reading is, to a large extent, irrelevant in constitutional adjudication.