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法希太需要拘捕这个家伙了。Fache needs this arrest desperately.

但我急切需要看到结果。I desperately needed to see results.

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我当然拼命地想把她留在家里。Desperately I wanted to keep her home.

起初,驴子绝望地叫个不停。At first, the donkey cried desperately.

为什么我们迫切需要你的贡献。Why we desperately need your contribution.

她在四下里找,急于弄到一件武器。She looked desperately around for a weapon.

作为一个孩子,你拼命的想融入进去。As a child, you desperately wanted to fit in.

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我饿死了,能吃下一头马。I am desperately hungry. I could eat a horse!

他们拼命抵抗,终于打了胜仗。They resisted desperately and won the battle.

她们拼命向我们打招呼,我们停下车来。They hailed us desperately. We stopped to see.

他绝望地看着她消失在人群中。He desperately saw her disappear into the crowd.

苔丝绝望地看着那一堆家具。Tess gazed desperately at the pile of furniture.

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他拼命地逃,后面两个警察紧追不舍。He kept running desperately chased by two police.

我开始觉得痒痒,非常想抓挠。I began to itch and desperately wanted to scratch.

我在绝望地看着助教,没算错吧I'm looking desperately at the T.A. Is that right?

她拨打了911,急切地等待警方的应答。She dials 911 and waits desperately for an answer.

威尔逊表现出的只是极度的恐惧。What the Wilsons did was just desperately terrible.

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有关的是拼命追梦的少年梦。Relevant is the young dream dream-seeker desperately.

这个落水的人拼命想游到河岸边。The man in the sea desperately tried to get the side.

从这以后,老鼠见了猫就只好拼命地逃。From then on, mice have had to desperately avoid cats.